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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-03-10 Brahma Vihara Day 10: Metta for All Beings 43:20
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-08 Metta Meditazione Guidata, Giorno 2 (Guided Metta, Day 2) 46:41
Kamala Masters
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Awareness with Wisdom

2015-03-08 Brahma Vihara Day 8 Metta 33:25
Mary Grace Orr
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-07 Perché Metta è Importante per una Vita Armoniosa (Why Metta is Important for Living a Harmonious Life) 61:37
Kamala Masters
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Awareness with Wisdom

2015-03-07 Metta Revisted 49:34
Mary Grace Orr
Training in Metta so that we can hold ourselves and others with friendliness-even in difficulty.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-07 Metta Meditazione Guidata, Giorno 1 (Guided Metta, Day 1) 44:50
Kamala Masters
Monastero di Camaldoli :  Awareness with Wisdom

2015-03-05 Metta for the familiar stranger (neutral person) 34:47
Heather Sundberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-03 Metta In Practice 57:33
Winnie Nazarko
How the quality of metta (goodwill) is core to the Buddhist practice in general, and how it supports and empowers insight meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-03 Brahma Vihara Day 3 40:08
Donald Rothberg
The Close Friend and Radiation Metta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

2015-03-02 Brahma Vihara Day 2 33:49
Winnie Nazarko
Metta for yourself, someone close
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight 1 Month Retreat

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