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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2016-12-31 Letting Go - Freedom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:18
Eugene Cash
The primary dynamic that leads to freedom is letting go.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat

2016-12-31 Abiding as and in and through body 60:41
Catherine McGee
What supports us to have the courage to abide more thoroughly and for our body to plump out with affectionate attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2016-12-31 Opening Our Hearts in Challenging Times 65:32
Hugh Byrne
As we bring loving awareness to our all that is arising in our bodies, hearts, and minds, there is a natural falling away of the illusion of separation - of ‘us’ and ‘them’ - and the cultivation of a wise and compassionate heart. With our hearts open to the suffering of the world, the Bodhisattva path of commitment to healing suffering, division and separation provides us with a vision of engaged action in the world in these difficult times.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2016 IMCW New Year Retreat: Awakening the Heart of Compassion

2016-12-31 Die große Stille 47:10
Renate Seifarth
Nibbana, Befreiung ist das Ziel der Praxis. Was ist Nibbana? Buddha beschrieb das Ziel des Weges als das Aufgeben von Anhaften. Wenn Haften und Reaktivität erlöschen, wir innerlich loslassen und eintauchen in ein offenes Dasein, können wir eine tiefe Stille erleben. Oft übersehen wir die Stille, weil wir auf etwas anderes warten, einen Bigbang, etwas Außergewöhnliches. Nibbana können wir aber hier und jetzt erfahren, in den Momenten, in denen unsere Reaktivität erlischt und eine lebenige, offene Stille sich in uns ausbreitet, in der alles sein darf wie es ist.
West Germany :  Neujahreskurs 2016/17

2016-12-31 The Five Recollections 52:50
Jenny Wilks
Gaia House New Year Retreat

2016-12-31 Mistaken Identity 54:05
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight 2016 New Year's Retreat

2016-12-31 Meditation in 4 Postures 41:59
Nathan Glyde
Exploring Meditation in all 4 Postures in the first meditation of the Somnath retreat.
SanghaSeva Somnath Silent Retreat - Anandwan

2016-12-31 Q&A: A Pearl of Hatred and the Phantom of Perception 56:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn Sucitto answers questions on anger and revenge for past hurts; wholesome grieving; resistance to letting go of unskilful behaviours
Villa St Martin Centre :  Montreal New Year 2016-17 Retreat

2016-12-31 The Mind Knowing the Mind 12:54
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight 2016 New Year's Retreat

2016-12-31 Metta - Breathing - Abiding 39:38
Akincano Marc Weber
Experiential guided metta
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 10 to 31 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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