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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-01-16 On the Path of the Beautiful and Beloved Community 63:12
Larry Yang
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta
In collection: Engaged Buddhism

2015-01-16 Embodied Mindfulness 53:27
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Origins and Applications of Mindfulness (MBCT/MBSR Retreat)

2015-01-15 Anything Can Happen At Any Time 52:53
James Baraz
The one thing that is certain in life is its unpredictability. Having an awareness that inner and outer circumstances could change in a moment can inform our lives in a profound way. Rather than living with vigilance and fear an on-going understanding of the fragility in life can lead us to more wakefulness, appreciation and freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2015-01-15 Lovingkindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness 65:37
Donald Rothberg
On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, we explore how to extend the awakened heart of Metta when there is pain or distress or difficulty. In particular, we examine the practices of compassion and forgiveness, with Dr. King's work and life as a reference point.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta

2015-01-15 Attitude of Kindness & Great Compassion Ceremony 33:44
Explanation (in brief) of Kuan Yin Great Compassion & Renewal Ceremony - Cultivating kindness in relationship to our experience.
Dharmagiri Being Dharma Month Long at Dharmagiri, South Africa

2015-01-15 Compassionate Transformation 43:57
Journey through shadow, understanding sankhara - patterning, and the patient and challenging process of compassionate relationship. Mr Mandela's journey into "I love you all"
Dharmagiri Being Dharma Month Long at Dharmagiri, South Africa

2015-01-14 Compassionate Transformation 43:57
Journey through shadow, understanding sankhara - patterning, and the patient and challenging process of compassionate relationship. Mr Mandela's journey into "I love you all"
Dharmagiri Being Dharma Month Long at Dharmagiri, South Africa

2015-01-14 Enseignement sur la pratique de la méditation 60:34
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2015-01-14 Metta Sutta #1: The Joy of Basic Integrity 64:38
Heather Sundberg
Drawing from various commentaries and translations of the Metta Sutta, the talk explores this important teaching from the perspective of practice and how to live it in our lives. Explores the qualities of Trust, Wise Speech, Humility, Contentment, Peace and Integrity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta

2015-01-14 Refuge in Loving Relationships 1:23:32
Tara Brach
Bringing presence to our relationships reveals our connectedness and essential Oneness. This talk explores two domains of this awakening with others: Realizing our shared vulnerability - that we’re in it together - and recognizing the inherent goodness or sacredness that lives through everyone.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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