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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-05-15 Befriending Yourself and Others 35:09
Lila Kate Wheeler
An early low key metta meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Sacred Longing: The Transformation of Desire

2010-05-13 Metta: The Web of Belonging 50:46
Nina Wise
As the mind stills, the heart opens. As the heart opens, we discover how we belong to this earth and live in a web of connection.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation Retreat

2010-05-08 Metta - Part 1 46:22
Greg Scharf
This talk discusses the cultivation of of Loving-kindness both for its own sake, and as a powerful support for the practice of liberation. Includes a detailed discussion of the near and far enemies of Metta, and how to work with them.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2010-05-06 Guided Metta Meditation 40:05
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-04-27 Awareness as Love 59:31
Mark Coleman
How do the practices of mindfulness, metta and compassion weave together and support our journey in wholeness, healing and the end of suffering. This talk also relates how these practices support the work of psychotherapists and healers.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Retreat for Therapists and Healing Professions

2010-04-23 Guided Metta Meditation 44:01
Pascal Auclair
Self, loved ones and difficult cases.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Power of Presence: Insight Meditation Retreat

2010-04-12 Guided Metta 1:14:40
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2010-04-11 Metta 66:22
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2010-04-07 Deepening Our Practice II: Deepening in Three Domains of Our Life 58:42
Donald Rothberg
We build from last week's identification of four broad ways of deepening formal practice: 1) developing simplicity, focus and a sense of clear priorities in one's life; 2) developing a strong support structure in various ways; 3) cultivating, in practice, qualities like mindfulness, metta, wisdom etc.; 4) developing a wise and compassionate sense of the path. We explore what these also mean in two other domains- everyday life (work relationships, family, community, the flow of our days); and our service and action in the larger world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-03-20 Guided Metta Meditation 43:12
Heather Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long

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