Dharma Talks
Rodney Smith
Is your meditation directed toward learning about who you are? What areas do you shy away from paying attention to yourself? Where are you self-protected? Do you feel the pain associated with those areas? Become increasingly aware of one of those areas and see what difference bare attention (caring attention) makes to that pain. Offer that area metta to ease the pain of looking. The pain will ease in direct proportion to your understanding of it, and understanding is achieved through direct observation.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Wholeness and Healing through Generosity
Rodney Smith
Notice how frequently you second-guess your generosity. You may have the desire to be generous but you let it pass without acting. This week act upon any impulse to be generous: if you have the thought to give something to someone, do not delay or second-guess the impulse. Give.
Each time you open the Internet this week begin by going to thehungersite.com and offer a free donation to all the similar sites listed on that web page. Say metta phrases to each disadvantaged group as you make the offering. May all being have sufficient food; may all beings be free of breast cancer.... Feel the pain associated with each category of people and wish them well. Explore the relationship between feeling pain for another and generosity. Does the pain motivate you to move towards or away from giving?
Notice your meditative posture and see if the chest and shoulders are fully open when you sit. How does your posture affect your mind? As you move through the day notice your posture when you feel selfish or irritable. Notice it when you feel generous and confident. When you feel selfish and closed down to generosity adjust your posture to a more open stance and see if that has any effect on your state of mind.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Why Metta?
Marcia Rose
Exploring through stories--old and new--the unifying energy of metta, this most subtle and powerful energy. Why and how is the capacity for an unfettered unconditional connection in relationship to ourselves and others essentially necessary for our dharma practice and in the whole of our life?
A question with many obvious answers and some surprising answers that show up as our practice unfolds...a talk telling of exemplary stories.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge
October 2004 at IMS - Forest Refuge