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Dharma Talks
2013-06-22 Meditation Instructions Part 1 - Whole-Body Breath Awareness 42:13
Larry Rosenberg
Awareness training using the breath sensations in the context of the whole body. first of three awareness trainings.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Art of Mindful Living: Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Students

2013-06-22 Concluding Talk 24:19
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Sayadaw U Tejaniya Meditation Retreat at Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary, 2013

2013-06-22 Part 9: Q&A 3 38:25
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

2013-06-22 07 metodo Mahasi 56:17
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2013

2013-06-22 Part 8: Meditation Instuctions 8:28
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

2013-06-22 Part 7: Q&A 2 5:16
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

2013-06-22 06 retta cons., oss. fen. psicofis., oggetti investig., inquinanti ment., tre caratt. esistenza 41:18
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Associazione Pian dei Ciliegi :  Bhante Bodhidhamma ritiro vipassana giugno 2013

2013-06-22 Part 6: The 8 Fold Path and its Supports 50:21
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

2013-06-22 Part 5: Pre-meal Alms Explanation & Anumodana Chant 8:11
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

2013-06-22 Part 4: Guided Meditation Recollections 5:13
Ajahn Pasanno
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship

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