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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-02-05 Dependent Origination: Co-Dependent Arising (1) 56:50
Rodney Smith
Dependent Origination asks us to see the world from a vastly different perspective than our normal understanding. It exerts that fundamentally nothing exists independently, and everything is co-dependent upon everything else. Most of us do not see the world in this configuration. Normally we think of ourselves and all other objects as having separate existences. Let us loosen our grasp on seeing life as separately existing and ease ourselves into the symphony at play. Notice that coincidences and chance occurrences are part of the wonderment of inseparability. Nothing is happening randomly by accident. Although even a philosophical understanding of this eases our individual burden, it is the realization of tis fact that dramatically effects our lives. When we see we are not separate from the world around us, we release the need for a personal and binding narrative, and the formless sacred comes into view.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Dependent Origination

2013-02-05 Brahma Viharas: Metta 58:13
Guy Armstrong
Metta for Self and Benefactor
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-05 Morning Reflection - Mindfulness Practice 44:26
Akincano Marc Weber
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Februrary 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-02-05 Morning Instructions, Day 2 20:28
James Baraz
The Breath
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-04 An Ode to Mindfulness 58:21
James Baraz
Why did the Buddha describe mindfulness as the direct path to overcome sorrow and lamentation, end suffering, discontent and realize the highest happiness? This talk reminds us what mindfulness practice is, why it is so profound and describes attitudes that optimally support mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

2013-02-04 Buddhist Studies Course - Dependent Origination - Week 4 67:40
Mark Nunberg
Understanding the Cycling of Suffering
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Dependent Origination

2013-02-04 Morning Reflection: Shuttling: directed and undirected meditation. (On Collected Sayings 47.10 / S v 47) 11:33
Akincano Marc Weber
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Februrary 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-02-03 Liberating Insight 34:49
Mark Nunberg
Guided Meditation
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-02-03 Liberating Insight 57:25
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2013-02-03 Closing Talk 13:10
Lila Kate Wheeler
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Buddha’s Way to Happiness: Insight Meditation Retreat

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