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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-11-26 Transforming Suffering 55:06
Mark Coleman
How to work with the inevitable challenges and vicissitudes of life
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2012-11-25 The Heart of the Dharma 58:46
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House November Solitary

2012-11-24 Finding Joy and Happiness Through Renunciation 48:27
Chas DiCapua
How the correct view of sense pleasures and the correct view of renunciation leads to freedom from suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2012-11-24 Being Benevolence, Intro and Guided Meditation 45:15
Ayya Santacitta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2012-11-23 Inclining the Mind to Gratitude 54:30
Mark Coleman
How to turn the attention to gratitude and appreciation as a support to turn the mind away from wanting and deficiency.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thanksgiving Insight Retreat

2012-11-23 Fundamentals of the Dharma: Appreciation 59:13
Rodney Smith
Many of us do not realize the accessibility of the heart. We think it is distant and attainable only through hard work. But it is as close as a pause in our thoughts, a hesitation in our busyness, and is the natural response of awareness to life. Our thoughts cover the heart with a foggy distraction, but when we interrupt the stream of our thinking the heart response with a gentle appreciation for living. In that moment life is acknowledging itself with gratitude. During this season of Thanksgiving, look deeply and silently to call forth this natural appreciation for living.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: Fundamentals of the Dharma

2012-11-23 What is Needed Now 42:13
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain. Retreat was November 18 - 23, 2012
Shakti Vihara Porthole to Pure Presence - Nov, 2012

2012-11-23 Persistence 53:42
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain. Retreat was November 18 - 23, 2012
Shakti Vihara Porthole to Pure Presence - Nov, 2012

2012-11-23 Taking Refuge 40:40
Caroline Jones
this talk encourages us to find our own way of connecting with the traditional Buddhist refuges of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
Gaia House November Solitary

2012-11-22 Seeing Our Goodness 57:49
Winnie Nazarko
A discussion of wholesome states, how and why to recognize them. Encouraging the growth of states leading toward liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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