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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-01-17 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation - Week 1 1:26:05
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-01-17 Right View 32:07
Lama Surya Das
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012

2012-01-15 Wise Mindfulness 54:29
Anushka Fernandopulle
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2012-01-15 Week 1, Part 2: Introduction to the Suttas 61:22
Guy Armstrong
The most reliable version of the teachings of the historical Buddha is found in the Pali suttas, or discourses, which make up about 20 volumes of texts. These teachings were transmitted orally for 400 years and were first written down around 100 B.C.E. Their survival to the present day in such a complete form is so unlikely that it might be considered as slightly miraculous. By studying these original texts we can discover the tremendous rewards that come from hearing the authentic voice of this amazing teacher. In this 4-week series we will explore a few key texts which contain some of the most important of the Buddha's teachings in their original formulations. In the first class we will offer an introduction to the overall study of these suttas, which present certain challenges given the spiritual, cultural and historical distances involved for us today. Students will be provided with good English translations of all the suttas covered. This series is suitable for experienced meditation students who have some understanding of the Buddha's basic teachings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Sutta Study Class Series with Guy Armstrong & Richard Shankman

2012-01-15 Week 1, Part 1: Introduction to the Suttas 43:28
Guy Armstrong
The most reliable version of the teachings of the historical Buddha is found in the Pali suttas, or discourses, which make up about 20 volumes of texts. These teachings were transmitted orally for 400 years and were first written down around 100 B.C.E. Their survival to the present day in such a complete form is so unlikely that it might be considered as slightly miraculous. By studying these original texts we can discover the tremendous rewards that come from hearing the authentic voice of this amazing teacher. In this 4-week series we will explore a few key texts which contain some of the most important of the Buddha's teachings in their original formulations. In the first class we will offer an introduction to the overall study of these suttas, which present certain challenges given the spiritual, cultural and historical distances involved for us today. Students will be provided with good English translations of all the suttas covered. This series is suitable for experienced meditation students who have some understanding of the Buddha's basic teachings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Sutta Study Class Series with Guy Armstrong & Richard Shankman

2012-01-15 Freedom from Fear 30:20
Amma Thanasanti
Colorado Springs Dharma Punx
Shakti Vihara

2012-01-15 Freedom from Fear - Q&A 34:20
Amma Thanasanti
Colorado Springs Dharma Punx
Shakti Vihara

2012-01-14 The Path Of Awareness 60:38
Mark Coleman
What is mindfulness - how can we develop it in our meditation and lives and how does awareness reveal freedom and its obstacles - i.e. the hindrances to meditate and how to to overcome them.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Living a Mindful and Compassionate Life: Insight and Metta Weekend

2012-01-14 Workshop - Living the Practice: Relating Wisely to Money, Livelihood, and Worldly Success 3:34:52
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2012-01-14 Seven Factors of Enlightenment Part 3 63:32
Michele McDonald
Calm, Concentration, Equanimity
Vipassana Hawai'i (Kyaswa Monastery) 2012 Kyaswa Monastery, Burma

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