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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-05-04 Sanya Perception & Vedana Feeling 12:39
Bhante Bodhidhamma
DhammaBytes, date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre Khanda - The Aggregates

2011-05-04 Sending and Receiving Metta 56:17
Pamela Weiss

2011-05-04 Equanimity in Action II 63:07
Donald Rothberg
A continued exploration of the nature of equanimity, how we cultivate it in formal practice and in action. with a particular focus in the last part of the talk on "The Eight Worldly Winds"
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-05-04 Changing Mind From Being "The Mind" 51:54
Ajahn Sucitto
Mind is not an entity but a network of perception, feeling, and inclinations that affect each other. By directing we can bring around the change of release
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2011-05-04 Whole Life, Whole Practice, Nothing Left Out - Opening Talk 68:05
Martin Aylward
This talk introduces a way of participating in a silent retreat that leaves room for all aspects of our life. Martin discusses some orientating reflections that run throughout the retreat, beginning with the ongoing questioning of our experience as we settle more deeply into it; 'what is happening now?'
Gaia House Whole Life, Whole Practice, Nothing Left Out

2011-05-03 Merging In The Deathless 1:10:22
Ajahn Sucitto
The Buddha teaches the way to the deathless; this way is not through one thing, but through a balance, a mandala of spiritual factors.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

2011-05-03 A Life of Truth 64:13
Eugene Cash
Understanding practice to include deep retreat and the entirety of life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-05-03 A Wise Relationship with Suffering 44:18
Howard Cohn
Mission Dharma

2011-05-03 Vedana Feeling 7:29
Bhante Bodhidhamma
DhammaBytes, date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre Khanda - The Aggregates

2011-05-03 An Island Beyond Which We Cannot Go 29:47
Ayya Medhanandi
The Buddha gives us lessons in emptiness. We are compelled to trust so completely to be able to truly receive these teachings, surrendering to the Dhamma, offering everything. We bless each step, harvesting wisdom with a brave heart. And in this remarkable learning, we shall know the unexcelled fragrance of the Dhamma, the island beyond which we cannot go.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

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