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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-04-15 Gratitude and Contentment 53:27
Michele McDonald
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana with Mindful Movement

2011-04-15 Instructions and Q&A Day 7 69:37
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness Pure and Simple: Insight Meditation Retreat

2011-04-15 Anatta, Not Self 61:16
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Mountain Hermitage Vivekananda

2011-04-14 5. Calm/tranquility (passaddhi) 51:28
James Baraz
Fifth talk in an 8-week series on the 7 Factors of Awakening that began with an overview on March 10, 2011.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2011-04-14 Life is Practice, Practice is Life 53:04
Greg Scharf
We often find that we have unconsciously divided our experience into times of "practice" and "life". This talk discusses ways to integrate life and practice both on and off the meditation cushion.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2011 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2011-04-14 Wisdom and Compassion 45:52
Anna Douglas
Inherent in mindful awareness are qualities of love and clarity which over time grow into compassion and wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Yoga Retreat

2011-04-14 Step 12: Spiritual Awakening 55:07
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

2011-04-14 Instruction and Q&A Day 6 60:22
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness Pure and Simple: Insight Meditation Retreat

2011-04-14 Metta 68:04
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Vivekananda

2011-04-13 Q&A Day 5 60:24
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Awareness Pure and Simple: Insight Meditation Retreat

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