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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-10-06 Lovingkindness - Meditation 33:08
Mark Nunberg
This practice group is for people interested in developing the heart by training in the four beautiful emotions of lovingkindness (metta), compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. Each session includes instruction, a guided meditation, a short dharma talk, and time for questions and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome, no registration necessary. This practice group is led by Stacy McClendon and Mark Nunberg. Generally, the teachers lead on alternating months.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-06 Lovingkindness - Talk 55:53
Mark Nunberg
This practice group is for people interested in developing the heart by training in the four beautiful emotions of lovingkindness (metta), compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. Each session includes instruction, a guided meditation, a short dharma talk, and time for questions and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome, no registration necessary. This practice group is led by Stacy McClendon and Mark Nunberg. Generally, the teachers lead on alternating months.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-06 Die Entwicklung zu Bodhicitta im Mahayana 13:24
Renate Seifarth
Es geht um die Verbindung der Brahmavihara mit der Vision von Bodhicitta im Mahayana. Dort nimmt die Intention Erleuchtung, um alle Wesen von Leid zu befreien - Bodhicitta, eine zentrale Stellung ein, Mitgefühl wird zu den Paramita gezählt und bekommt mehr Gewicht in der Praxis. Ein wesentlicher Vertreter dieser Richtung ist Shantideva. Wie geht es uns, wenn wir mit dieser Intention praktizieren? Was verändert das in unserer Praxis?
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  Metta Retreat

2023-10-06 Opening Instructions - Four Foundations of Mindfulness 37:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness of these four areas: body, sensitivity, heart and emotional and psychological phenomena prevent us from being deluded.
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-05 Dependent co-arising 62:31
Andrea Fella
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2023-10-05 Die drei Brahmavihara karuna, mudita und upekkha 44:52
Renate Seifarth
Es werden die weiteren Brahmavihara Qualitäten vorgestellt, die ähnlich wie Metta entwickelt werden. Es geht um den Zusammenhang mit Metta, ihre Bedeutung in unserem Leben und die Rolle von upekkha, Gleichmut.
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  Metta Retreat

2023-10-05 The Buddha's Teaching on Not getting Caught in Negative Tendencies 50:17
James Baraz
The Sabbāsava Sutta "All the Taints" (Majjhima Nikaya #2). The Buddha teaches seven methods for restraining and abandoning the "taints", the fundamental defilements that keep us in suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-10-04 Week 1 - Guided Meditation - Practicing w the Hindrances 35:18
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Foundational Skills of Attention and Samadhi (online series)

2023-10-04 Living, Dying & Letting Go (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:29
Eugene Cash
Buddhist teachings on Death & Letting Go – Highlighting the sutta: Advice to Anathapindika. Appreciating his dying gift to us across time and space.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life

2023-10-04 The Delight of Giving 47:18
Bart van Melik
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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