The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Guided Meditation: Exploring Some Further Ways We Construct Experience
Donald Rothberg
We start with basic instructions in developing (1) concentration and stability, and (2) mindfulness, and then practice developing these two qualities. With mindfulness practice, we notice the main patterns of thoughts, emotions, and bodily experience. In the second half of the session, we work with being aware of the feeling-tone (linked with the Second Foundation of Mindfulness), noticing moderate (or somewhat greater) pleasant or unpleasant feeling-tones, and what occurs after we notice them. We also attend for a short period of two minutes to the moment-to-moment feeling tones of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, and then go back to basic mindfulness practice for the last part of the session.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks
Wisdom of the Heart: What the Mind Forgets
Devin Berry
Wisdom of the heart transcends logic—it remembers, connects, and reveals truth. This talk explores the language of the heart (citta), interbeing, and the knowing beyond thought. Through moving stories we uncover the heart’s capacity to awaken. A rich, evocative dharma reflection on trust, belonging, and awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center