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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-10-03 Grundlegendes zu Metta 47:09
Renate Seifarth
Grundlegendes über die Metta Qualität und Metta-Praxis.
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  Metta Retreat

2023-10-03 Instructions on the Arising and Passing (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:45
Pamela Weiss
“Whatever comes let it come. Whatever goes let it go. And see what remains.”
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life

2023-10-02 You Are All Going to Die (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:15
Pamela Weiss
A talk on the truth of impermanence and mortality, arising and passing, and making the unwanted wanted.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life

2023-10-02 Wise Effort 63:27
Winnie Nazarko
An explanation of the six step of the noble eightfold path, wise effort. This talk discusses what efforts are to be made, and how to skillfully apply oneself to practice! Yin and yang styles are both discussed.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2023-10-02 Mindfulness of Breathing = Week 4 of 8 - Meditation 32:33
Mark Nunberg
Buddhist Studies - Mindfulness of Breathing
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-02 Mindfulness of Breathing - Week 4 of 8 - Talk 30:01
Mark Nunberg
Buddhist Studies - Mindfulness of Breathing
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-02 Bridge the Gap: Integrating Spiritual Practice into Life 1:46:40
Oren Jay Sofer
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2023-10-01 Paticca-samuppada - Dependent Co-Arising Part 2 39:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Ajahn investigates the steps of dependent co-arising. Second part of the two-part talk.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2023-10-01 How ignorance conditions consciousness 18:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Understanding the nature of our field of attention, our intentions and our awareness provides for an adjustment of this three-part operating system.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2023-10-01 Guided Mettā Practice 36:54
Jake Dartington
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation - MBCT / SR Foundations

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