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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-08-25 Freedom & Equanimity 58:14
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2010-08-25 This is the Best Day Ever! 56:01
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-08-24 Investigation Within Vipassana Practice 45:45
Michael Grady
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Your Life is Your Practice: Insight Meditation Retreat

2010-08-24 Satipatthana Sutta, First Foundation: Mindfulness of the Mind Within the Body 53:13
Rodney Smith
How do the mind and body relate and does this tell us something regarding our identification with the processes involved? How does "mine and yours" become established within this relationship of mind/body?
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: The Satipatthana Sutta

2010-08-23 The Four Foundations of Mindfulness 60:07
Tempel Smith
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-08-23 Four Foundations of Mindfulness 60:06
Richard Shankman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2010-08-22 From Stillness to Movement: The Place of Concentration on the Path of Insight 56:40
Andrea Fella
An exploration of the importance of concentration on the ability of the mind to meet experience as it is.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2010-08-22 The Beauty of Change, The Change of Beauty 61:06
Kamala Masters
Maui, Hi :  Daylong Meditation, Maui Hawaii

2010-08-21 Jhana States: From Movement to Stillness 64:46
Phillip Moffitt
Jhana means non-distraction achieved by the removal of distractions from the mind. As the distraction of mind are removed, the mind state moves from coarseness to more fine states into stillness and equanimity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2010-08-21 Meditation as Medicine, A Day of Teachings with Steve Flowers, Part 3 43:37
Bob Stahl
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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