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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-06-03 Letting Go Through the Body 55:07
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor
Stories of how the 3rd Noble Truth of letting go can be discovered through the body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening in the Body: Meditation with Qigong

2010-06-03 One Wishing to Attain that State of Peace Should Act Thus 1:13:13
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Fourteen qualities from Metta Sutta relevant to the development of the mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2010-06-03 Liberative Dependent Origination 22:27
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

2010-06-02 Relating Wisely with Fear - Part 2 1:21:33
Tara Brach
Relating Wisely with Fear Part 1 and 2 - While fear is essential to survival, it can also strangle our capacity to live fully and awaken spiritually. These two talks explore how fear takes over our lives, and the ways we can train our attention to free ourselves from its grip.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2010-06-02 Dhamma Talks 13 - Recollecting your true potential with great optimism 22:44
Ajahn Achalo
2010, exact date unknown
Melbourne Buddhist Center

2010-06-02 Opening Talk 1:41:03
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Brief introduction to sila, samadhi and panna. Mahasi instructions on sitting, walking, general activities, interview and balanced practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2010-06-02 What is Your Practice? Part 1 60:30
Sylvia Boorstein
Part 1
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2010-06-02 The Four Noble Truths - Overview 55:22
Pamela Weiss

2010-06-01 Why noting without stop 7:08
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2010-06-01 Dhamma Talks 11 - Ghosts, Devas, Merit, Rebirth, metaphor or matter of fact 62:50
Ajahn Achalo
2010, exact date unknown
Melbourne Buddhist Center

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