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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-07-16 Ten Paramis 56:01
Bhante Khippapanno
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-07-16 Travel 33:33
Mary Grace Orr
Insight Santa Cruz

2009-07-16 The Four Great Efforts 48:09
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House Meditation and Study Retreat

2009-07-16 Turning the Wheel of the Dhamma 57:10
Stephen Batchelor
Gaia House Meditation and Study Retreat

2009-07-16 Growing a True Face 24:19
Ajahn Sucitto
A lot of practice is about working with difficult mind states, emotional currents, and personality patterns. With the establishment of basic ground, we bring together a unified Dhamma body that holds us steady. It gives us a reference point, a presence, that drains power out of the hindrances and allows us to meet difficulties that arise.
Cittaviveka Vassa Retreat

2009-07-15 Revising the principles of vipassana 43:19
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-07-15 Mental State of Feeling - Vedana 52:40
Bhante Khippapanno
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-07-15 Virya Paramita 49:31
Pamela Weiss

2009-07-15 Gardening the Mind 20:19
Ayya Medhanandi
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations

2009-07-15 Peace is Here - Guided Meditation 19:14
Ayya Medhanandi
Sati Saraniya Hermitage Hospice Talks and Guided Meditations

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