Dharma Talks
Guide Meditation on Breathing
Ajahn Sucitto
Keep in mind, attention is on breathing rather than a breath – a process, not a specific thing. Making use of vitakka-vicara, linger and pick up the quality of breath-energy as it moves through. Hold the form, keep the inquiry, remain in the present moment. What is the breathing now?
Vassa Retreat
Lawless Order
Ajahn Sucitto
There are certain inclinations we have as human beings. These boil down to the indriya – dominating faculties – of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom. They can go wrong, become sources of suffering if they’re not balanced through awareness. Various examples of how they manifest, and how to keep them in harmony are given.
Vassa Retreat
Having Fun (Skillfully)
Ajahn Sucitto
The experience of having fun, enjoyment, is an energy. The problem comes when we locate it externally, then attach to it, self-orient around it. A skilful person knows how to cultivate pleasure in themselves. Practise with meditation. Find out what blocks it and what encourages it. The Buddha taught pleasure as a way to awakening.
Vassa Retreat
Walk Back to Center
Ajahn Sucitto
In whatever activity we engage in, meditation through the postures is a matter of returning to presence – to that awareness which can know. With walking, don’t do the walking, meditate the walking. Maintain a core presence that doesn’t participate and doesn’t shut anything out. Meet everything with openness and alertness, like a mother welcoming her children.
Vassa Retreat
Opening the Door
Ajahn Sucitto
Encouragement to make an effort with the retreat form. Give particular attention to posture. To clean and purify you have to open up the house, open up the body. Open up the world, the doors to heaven and hell. Whatever comes through, keep the door open, let the energies blow through. Body is where we can break the cycle of samsara.
Vassa Retreat