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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-05-12 Factors That Support and Hinder Concentration 58:22
Sally Armstrong
Any time we practice mindfulness and wise attention, we are weakening the impact of the hindrances, and strengthening what are known as the five jhanic factors: meditative qualities that support the continuity and deepening of our meditation. Each of the jhanic factors actually balances and acts as an antidote to one of the hindrances. This talk looks at how to strengthen the jhanic factors, and use them skillfully as antidotes to the hindrances.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2009-05-12 Our Wisdom Heart 42:34
Sharda Rogell
As we walk the path of wisdom and compassion, we discover they are not separate. What happens when we let go of our identifications with our mental constructions and our mind drops into the heart?
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-12 Ten Paramis: Wisdom (2) 65:13
Rodney Smith
The fearlessness of wisdom and the willingness to hold our place on the earth for the learning that comes.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society
In collection: The Ten Paramis

2009-05-12 Guided Meditation on Compassion 26:15
Sharda Rogell
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-12 Working with Emotions 5:04
Sharda Rogell
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-12 Morning Instruction 3 - Emotions 12:36
Sharda Rogell
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

2009-05-12 The Hindrances Part 2 47:40
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Gaia House Mahasi Retreat

2009-05-11 Halfway between Heaven & Earth 53:15
Mark Coleman
As human beings, we move between the boundless, profound dimensions and the more mundane, worldly realms of body and mind. How do we in our practice cultivate an openness and receptivity to our boundless nature and not be so caught in our mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-05-11 The Art and Skill of Samadhi 58:19
Eugene Cash
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat

2009-05-11 Holding On. Afraid to Let Go 56:37
Sharda Rogell
We hear the teachings of letting go (or letting be) yet when we try, we find how difficult that is. This talk explores what we are afraid of and the freedom waiting for us when we take the risk of looking at what’s true.
Wood Acres Retreat Center :  Our Wisdom Heart

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