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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-07-23 Layers 60:25
Andrea Fella
Often we experience ourselves as a complex interweaving of layers of habits, beliefs and emotions. Investigating the obvious aspects of the outer layer, and being aware of our attitude about that layer, the layers gradually dissolve. The pairing of the wisdom of acceptance with the clarity of mindfulness guides us through our moment to moment experience towards freedome.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2008-07-23 The Pattern of Experience (Part 1) 1:12:27
John Peacock
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-22 Right Livelihood 44:28
Kim Allen
Right Livelihood, as the culmination of the virtue, or sila, steps of the Eightfold Path, concerns all aspects of how we sustain our life. It is far more than just our job. This talk examines how we can practice toward a fuller alignment of all aspects of our life.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley The Buddhist Path of Awakening: The Eight-Fold Noble Path A nine-week series

2008-07-22 Kamma: A Lesson From The Past, An Opportunity For The Future 62:01
Steve Armstrong
The correct understanding of the law of kamma is a powerful ally in practice. Fulfilling our spiritual aspiration relies on the purity, energy and frequency of wholesome kamma that results in liberating understanding.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2008-07-22 It's Lonely Being a Self 63:21
John Peacock
Being a self is a very difficult and lonely process. In this talk the nature of the self is examined through reflections on the Buddhist doctrine of 'not-self' (anatta)
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-21 The Five Hindrances 42:22
Ajahn Sucitto
Use samatha – that which dispels passion – and vipassana – that which dispels ignorance – as practices that help overcome the hindrances. These themes of calming and inquiry are more than just techniques, they are a way to live all of life.
Cittaviveka 2008 Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

2008-07-21 Guided Metta Meditation 46:01
Kamala Masters
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2008-07-21 Sudden Awakening, Gradual Cultivation: Working With Doubt & Aversion 56:13
Joseph Goldstein
Recognizing doubt and aversion in the light of emptiness - their nature, allure, and release.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2008-07-21 I Am Not Who I Think I Am 1:10:12
John Peacock
Who and what do we think we are? This talk examines the nature of thought and the process of 'self-ing'
Gaia House Affection Compassion And Joy

2008-07-20 Come Into The Body 44:34
Ajahn Sucitto
When the cascade of thoughts and feelings come rushing in, rather than, ‘What am I going to do about it?’ ask, ‘Where am I right now?’ It doesn’t seem relevant, but it brings us out of the scenario and into the body. Steadied in the flow of feeling, we can then learn the particular skill of being with rather than being in them.
Cittaviveka 2008 Cittaviveka Vassa Group Retreat

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