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Dharma Talks
2009-01-17 Transcendence Includes It All 59:55
Ajahn Sucitto
The process of liberation is sometimes referred to as ‘transcendence’. Transcendence means you meet feeling, and mind gets bigger than that, includes it all. It is a natural mode of the mind, to meet and include. Enlightenment factors enable this stepping back and non-involvement. We can then meet the results of kamma and realize liberation.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2009-01-17 Wise Mindfulness 59:01
Christina Feldman
Gaia House An Exploration of Mindfulness MBCT/SR Retreat

2009-01-16 It's Uncertain 40:49
Meeting Ajahn Chah in Thailand Know the breath and you’ll know everything Opening the Dharma Eye Underlying pervasive peace Samsara & Nibbana arise at the same place

2009-01-16 Inherited Kamma-Broadening The Range Of Practice 36:52
Ajahn Sucitto
In general, practice is about creating the type of environment which can hold, accommodate and handle our kamma – whether that is internal and external. Enlightenment factors work to dissolve the encrusted compulsive reactions. Then we have more space, more choice in what we do and don’t do.
Cittaviveka Winter Retreat

2009-01-16 The Four Noble Truths 52:12
John Teasdale
Gaia House An Exploration of Mindfulness MBCT/SR Retreat

2009-01-15 2009 Monthly Sitting Group, Month 1: Overview of the Samatha Practice 63:51
Tina Rasmussen
Includes: The three stages of practice (Sila, Samatha, Vipassana); The Buddha’s practice of the jhanas; Why do this practice?; and an overview of the path of practice as taught by Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw; meditation instructions.

2009-01-15 Practice in Ordinary Daily Life 69:15
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-01-15 Through The Looking Glass - The Reality Of No-Self 66:24
Marcia Rose
Can we look into the clear mirror of the dhamma? Can we face the "looking glass" with a willingness and humility and keep looking into this mirror of our 'self' without interpretation or judgement? It is only then that we begin to see and know the impersonality of presently arisen thoughts, censations,feelings and states of mind. Can we keep looking until we begin to experience and know that it's not all about "me" and teach the heart/the mind of freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2009 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2009-01-15 Death Reflection 52:52
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Scientists Retreat

2009-01-15 Working With Strong Emotions 45:51
Trudy Goodman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Scientists Retreat

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