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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-11-06 Change 54:34
James Baraz
James Baraz talks about the stunning changes that have already taken place with the election of Barack Obama.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2008-11-06 A Journey To Now With Mindfulness And Concentration 59:01
Sharda Rogell
An overview of the qualities of mindfulness as an expression of the awakening mind and heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embodied Presence

2008-11-06 The Dharma Practice Of Facing The Crises Of Our Times 1:10:19
Donald Rothberg
The challenges and crises of our times are immense - at the current time, there are economic, political, ethical and ecological crises, among others. To face these crises as practice demands, however, the same qualities demanded by the immensity of awakening -- (1) wisdom expressed as the ability to hold together opposites, (2) a deep listening for our calling, (3) a toolbox of skillful means, (4) a heart to transform difficult emotions, such as anger, fear and sadness, and (5) continual persistence and growing confidence in liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Path of Engagement #4

2008-11-06 Approaches to the Hindrances 1:30:46
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat

2008-11-05 The Three Characteristics - part 1: Unsatisfactoriness 1:20:04
Tara Brach
The Buddha described three basic and interrelated insights into nature of reality that are revealed through a clear and deep attention. Called "the three characteristics," these insights include dukkha (unsatisfactoriness), annicha (impermanence) and annata (selflessness or emptiness). In the first of this three week series of talks, we explore the meaning of dukkha, how we directly recognize the varied expressions of dukkha and it's gift when met with full presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2008-11-05 Samadhi and Guarding the Mind 55:48
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2008-11-05 Black Lab Consciousness 60:43
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2008-11-05 Practicing with Breath and Body 37:10
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat

2008-11-04 The Torah and the Triple Gem 1:13:35
Ayya Medhanandi
An autobiographical portrait of Ayya Medhanandi’s life, from her meeting with her first teacher in India in her early twenties to her career as a nutritionist and going forth to become a Theravada Buddhist nun. She notes the striking similarities between the tenets of her ancient Judaic faith and the principles of Theravada Buddhism. The inward journey goes beyond religious belief - crossing fixed boundaries for the sake of realizing our true spiritual heritage. A talk given at H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver, Canada in 2008.
H.R. MacMillan Space Center, Vancouver, B.C.

2008-11-03 Shoot Me First: Right Intention, Effort & Social Responsibility 1:17:35
Ayya Medhanandi
As we follow the steps of the Eightfold Noble Path, our hatred, greed, and delusion abate. We may yet suffer, but we use our suffering to fathom the meaning of it, see its causes, and see the possibility for ending suffering. The four Noble Truths come alive within. Invariably, our suffering manifests in many forms. It may never ‘end’ but it ceases to be a problem as our fear or aversion to it die. Persevering in this work is the way to make peace with our suffering.
University of British Colombia

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