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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2008-02-01 Samatha and - or Vipassana 51:52
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2008-01-31 Buddhist Master Series: U Ba Khin 57:05
James Baraz
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2008-01-30 The Power Of Inquiry 65:26
Tara Brach
Inquiry, or mindful investigation, is a direct way to deepen our attention and reveal the nature of reality. This talk explores the attitude, types of questions and practice of non-conceptual presence that awakens our deepest wisdom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2008-01-30 Mindfulness & Renunciation 57:47
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2008-01-30 Three Ways Of Deepening Daily Life Practice 58:57
Donald Rothberg
It's very challenging for our daily lives to be places of deep transformation, yet many of us want this. After looking at one of the challenges, we explore three ways to meet the challenges: 1) knowing what is important 2) taking "our bodies as our monasteries" 3) learning to "break the mirror", get unstuck, over and over again. For each of the three ways, a dharma reading and a poem are given.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2008-01-30 Ways Of Deepening Daily Life Practice 58:57
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2008-01-30 Anatta 1:22:03
John Peacock
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)

2008-01-30 Exploring the World of Loving Kindness 1:11:25
Rob Burbea
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)

2008-01-29 The Place of Samadhi in Metta Practice 1:26:04
Rob Burbea
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)

2008-01-28 The Discussion Of The Wisdom Dakini 1:14:52
Lama Palden
Dakinis are activity aspects of awakened mind. Outwardly the dakini can support, nurture and protect us. She also can show up to cut through conceptuality. Ultimately dakini is the wisdom aspect of our own minds; the openness aspect that is the space for and is inseparable with everything that is. When this aspect is realized all phenomena, all experience become workable, eventually blissful. True nature is wisdom, openness, compassion and love.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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