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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-11-17 Into the Depths of Silence 59:40
Rob Burbea
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat

2007-11-16 Introduction 28:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Amaravati Monastery November 2007

2007-11-16 The Seven Factors Of Enlightenment 57:33
Sally Armstrong
The seven factors are beautiful qualities of mind that can be developed to support our meditative practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2007-11-16 The Abode Of The Body: Mindfulness And The Body 53:15
Ann Masai
Following the Buddha's direction about using the body as a mindfulness tool, we discuss many techniques for practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Path of Engagement, Retreat 2

2007-11-16 Death the Great Motivator 52:52
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat

2007-11-15 Buddhist Master Series: Sunlun Sayadaw 53:59
James Baraz
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2007-11-15 Nature Of Insight 64:25
Carol Wilson
Nature of Insight
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2007-11-14 Lovingkindness - Living With A Wise Heart 1:19:22
Tara Brach
The Buddha taught that our fear is great, but greater yet is the truth of our connectedness. These two talks examine the often unconscious habits that generate the pain of separation, and the practices that allow us to realize and live from an awake heart.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2007-11-14 Arising And Passing Away 54:13
Joseph Goldstein
The liberating wisdom of impermanence.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2007-11-14 The Transformative Process In Engaged Practice 43:01
Donald Rothberg
It is helpful to identify four broad phases of transformation, whether in the context of intensive meditation practice, everyday life, or engaged practice in the world: (1) building resources (perspectives, tools, methods, the ethical “container”); (2) opening to and honoring our suffering; (3) coming to see in a new way; and (4) the integrative work of stabilizing, grounding, and expressing our insights and learning as we go forth into the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Path of Engagement, Retreat 2

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