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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-03-11 Suffering and nourishment of the Dhamma 59:30
Alexis Santos
A light exploration of the four noble truths, followed by questions and responses
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating Awareness and Wisdom

2023-03-11 Spiritual Intelligence 31:46
Ajahn Sucitto
The open state is unrushed, receptive to all the six senses. It receives them with a basic intelligence that stays intact and responds.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2023-03-11 Q&A at Kihikihi Meditation Center 58:52
Ajahn Sucitto
00:18 Q1 When experiencing feelings and emotions is it part of the practice just to experience the suffering?07:59 Q2 When dealing with powerful emotions, is the foundation that you speak of built from continuous practice, being real? 17:15 Q3 If self enquiry is to bring us to a place of open heatedness, why do we carry these stories with us? How has that come about, that is has become so important to us? 33:43 Q4 Do you think that as you go on the path that you can experience suffering more? Because you are more aware of it? 46:34 Q5 How do you develop the level of understanding and insight that you have? 52:36 Q6 How can we find the balance between intentionally cultivating skillful qualities and accepting or allowing them to emerge?
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2023-03-11 Wise Discernment: Gender Discrimination in the Sangha 1:22:32
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2023-03-11 Morning Instruction 46:20
Carol Wilson
Right attitude
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating Awareness and Wisdom

2023-03-11 Grounding Meditation 45:04
Dana DePalma
Guided Meditation emphasizing grounding and then gently opening to thoughts, including a poem by Matty Weingast from "The First Free Women."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2023-03-10 Dharma Talk - Equanimity 46:37
Jake Dartington
Gaia House Awakening the Heart

2023-03-10 Right attitude 47:44
Devon Hase
How we re-wild our hearts with balanced observation – not rejecting, or pushing our practice. So much is possible, when we allow ourselves to be just as we are.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivating Awareness and Wisdom

2023-03-10 Was verbirgt sich hinter Nibbana? 42:37
Renate Seifarth
Es ist wichtig unser Ziel zu kennen, das als Nibbana bezeichnet wird. Für Nibbana gibt es viele Umschreibungen und Synonyme, die auf die Wirkung von Nibbana hinweisen. Manche stellen das Ziel in weiter Ferne. Dabei ist es ganz nah und zeigt sich in kleinen Erfahrungen tiefen Loslassens. Der Buddha spricht von drei Toren, durch die wir zu einer anderen Art des Daseins gelangen, die von Friede erfüllt ist. Dennoch ängstigen wir uns manchmal vor Nibbana und manchmal gibt es überhöhte Vorstellungen, wie das Leben danach aussehen mag. Auch deswegen ist es hilfreich sich mit dem Ziel ein wenig zu beschäftigen.
Seminarhaus Engl :  3-Wochen Vipassana und Metta

2023-03-10 Guided Meditation - Muditā 42:04
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Awakening the Heart

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