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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2006-06-14 Love 52:19
Sharda Rogell
What is your experience like when you feel safe enough to open your heart? When we pay attention directly and we are not rejecting our experience, we can explore the quality of love in three centres of Being - head, heart and belly.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Contemplative Inquiry

2006-06-12 Beginnings and Endings 46:07
Ajahn Vajiro
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2006-06-12 Roots of Buddhist Psychology - Grasping 66:34
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-06-12 It Will Never Happen To Me 40:26
Ayya Medhanandi
Shrouded in the cloud of ignorance, we believe that suffering will never happen to us. But when we emerge from that fog into a radical simplicity of heart, suffering becomes our teacher. Our eyes are opened thanks to Right View and direct experience of the Four Noble Truths. At last we transcend the tyranny of fear.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2006-06-12 Opening to the Truth with Mindfulness 58:37
Sharda Rogell
Mindfulness illuminates our present experience and allows for the qualities of openness, curiousity, interest and trust to arise as we explore what it means to be awake to our experience, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant.
Gaia House Insight Meditation and Contemplative Inquiry

2006-06-11 Compassion 49:18
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

2006-06-10 Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta Chant 1:17:47
Ajahn Vajiro
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2006-06-10 The Jhanas - part 6 1:18:54
Pa Auk Sayadaw
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2006 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2006-06-08 Morning Chant 9:06
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre Talks with an Accompanying Czech Translation

2006-06-07 The Inner Landscape Of Compassion 59:18
Kamala Masters
This talks lays out what compassion is, how it benefits us, and what the near and far enemies of compassion are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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