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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-06-08 Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 2 56:36
Tara Brach
In the face of violence, hatred and loss, how do we handle the reactivity we feel? Our own anger, hatred and fear? These two talks offer guidance and practice in letting our own vulnerability be a portal to responding—to ourselves, each other and our world– with courageous, wise hearts.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-06-08 Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence 14:54
Tara Brach
Our thoughts keep us removed from this living world. This guided practice invites us to open and relax with the moment to moment experience of our senses. It includes a poem by Ingrid Goff-Maidoff, “Wherever you are, Find a Trail.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-06-08 Dharma Talk - A Compassionate Response 58:01
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Practising with Earth - Awakening to our Ground

2022-06-08 Week 3 - Guided Meditation (2) 36:27
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Exploring Vedana (Online Series)

2022-06-09 14 meditation: spaciousness 30:07
Jill Shepherd
Tuning in to space as a support for experiencing spaciousness in the mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-09 Morning Sit with Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:32
Erin Treat
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Investigation and Inquiry into the Dharma

2022-06-09 5 Methods to Work with Troublesome Thoughts: MN #20: Vitakkasanthana Sutta 49:43
James Baraz
The Buddha gave a teaching on five different methods he recommended to work with disturbing thoughts. When we are mindful of the thinking process it's possible to see thoughts simply as mental fabrications. However, when we get caught in them and the body gets activated, we spin out in the story and are caught in a negative emotional response. We become identified with those mental formations and can more easily get lost. When that happens, the Buddha offers these five strategies as skillful techniques to deal with the confused mind.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2022-06-09 16 talk: Seven Factors of Awakening 44:51
Jill Shepherd
Exploring the seven factors of awakening factors, including some common misunderstandings about awakening and some ways to support the awakening factors to arise
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-10 Mindfulness of breathing: review 50:34
Sally Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2022

2022-06-10 Metta Introduction 37:26
Walt Opie
A brief definition of metta or loving-kindness, followed by some stories and an introduction to the practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Establishing Awareness: Insight Meditation Retreat

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