Dharma Talks
Need Sufficiency and Greed
Bhante Bodhidhamma
With coming downturn in the economy around the world, fear and anxiety are boud to arise. We are attached to what we own and to oiur lifestyle. By contemplateing what we actually need at physical level and then to consider what we need at a social and personal, emotional level, a lot of the fear and anxiety can be undermined. Contemplating the Four Requisites of a monastic help to ground us.
Satipanya Retreat Centre
Four Kinds of Joy
Discovering ways to cultivate joy, and to discern what can and cannot change about your experience. Using Numbered Discourse 11.2 as a basis for developing the Path. Part of the Tuesday Tune In series of talks at Dassanāya Buddhist Community.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community
Developing Equanimity in Meditation and Daily Life
Donald Rothberg
Equanimity is a balance and non-reactivity, and a connection to an inner freedom, with whatever is happening. It is a quality deeply needed both in meditation and in daily life, particularly in our challenging times. We explore equanimity first by seeing how it manifests in the lives of some of the most beloved humans who have lived, and then by identifying seven core qualities of equanimity. We identify as well some main ways of practicing to cultivate equanimity, and some of the challenges of such practices. We end with a discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Monday and Wednesday Talks