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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1999-09-02 Equanimity 43:59
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-09-02 How Suffering Can Lead To Faith 55:40
James Baraz
Although there is suffering - the First Noble Truth, the Buddha has taught that wisely processing our pain leads to greater faith, compassion and, eventually, the end of suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

1999-09-01 The Power Of Concentration 43:10
Fred Von Allmen
Gaia House Retreat with Fred Von Allmen

1999-09-01 Visibility and Invisibility 44:39
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-08-30 Poetry, Beauty and Art 69:45
Jack Kornfield

1999-08-28 The Buddha As A Psychotherapist 56:13
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-28 Inquiry #4 45:06
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-28 Dana Talk 57:39
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
generosity-- the heart of the Buddha's path is natural to life. When we look carefully, we see the multiple levels of dana layered inside the Buddha's main teachings.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-27 Inquiry #3 54:13
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-27 Leaning Into The Stillpoint 51:37
Sharda Rogell
to awaken to the stillpoint requires a complete shift in the way we relate to activity and time, without their end.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-08-26 Form And The Inconceivable 58:12
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-26 Truthfulness 53:01
James Baraz
Truthfulness was the one quality the Bodhisattva possessed through all his previous lifetimes before his enlightenment. Telling the truth to oneself and others is a direct source of happiness and is the guiding principle for the spiritual journey.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

1999-08-25 Inquiry #2 61:54
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-24 Just What Are We Absorbing? 48:06
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-24 Inquiry #1 56:04
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-22 Day Long At Spirit Rock 1 62:30
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-22 Day Long Spirit Rock 2 47:49
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1999-08-22 Identity + Insight 64:31
Steve Armstrong
insight into selflessness uproots false beliefs
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-20 The Wonder Of Emptiness 53:37
Christopher Titmuss
the practical relevance of emptiness in daily life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-20 Inquiry 50:01
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-20 Identity + Insight 62:03
Steve Armstrong
insight into suffering uproots craving. What I want!
Maui, Hi

1999-08-19 Mudita: Appreciative Joy 54:40
Christopher Titmuss
having to do things kills happiness, yet all beings want to be happy.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-19 Inquiry 53:07
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-19 Introduction To Great Compassion Ceremony Of Kuan Yin And Mantras 64:38
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-19 Wisdom Says I Am Nothing, Compassion Says I Am Everything 40:24
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

1999-08-18 The Vows Of The Buddha 46:11
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-18 Identity + Insight: Comparing Mind 55:22
Steve Armstrong
Creating a sense of self through the activity of comparing mind. Disentangling a sense of self through mindful awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-18 The Risk Of Being Present 45:42
Sharda Rogell
Why "being awake" in our lives seems like a threatening prospect, and how to overcome our fear of this.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-17 What's Behind Everything 53:46
Christopher Titmuss
we live in a world of desires and projections; in the past, present and future. Is there anything behind all this?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-17 Inquiry 62:22
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-17 Resting In The Ground Of Being 36:07
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-17 Dukkha And Its Arising 40:56
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

1999-08-16 Supports And Obstructions And Easeful Presence 42:18
Gaia House Retreat with Kittisaro

1999-08-16 Bodhisattva 51:32
Jack Kornfield

1999-08-16 Five Spiritual Faculties: Effort 61:00
Steve Armstrong
Arousing energy for the balanced cultivation of awareness. Steady, precise and continuous: the energy of an awakened mind.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collections: Five Spiritual Faculties, Right Effort

1999-08-15 The Core Teachings 50:28
Christopher Titmuss
what is our relationship to lifestyle, money and living wisely?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-15 Inquiry 58:16
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center "Born on the 4th of July,1955 or After, Retreat (8 days)"

1999-08-15 Encountering Profound Obstacles On The Path 39:43
Arinna Weisman
Ways to work with our difficulties and pain in the meditation practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-08-13 Faith Inspired Women 59:30
Kamala Masters
Stories often inspire us to keep going, especially when our spiritual path gets rough. These simple stories are of women of different time periods, who continued through great challenges because of their unshakable faith.
Maui, Hi

1999-08-09 Listening 61:00
Jack Kornfield

1999-08-08 Essential Dhamma #6: Noble Eightfold Path 58:52
Steve Armstrong
development of morality, tranquility and wisdom
Maui, Hi

1999-08-06 Hindrances #2: Doubt And Restlessness 48:13
Kamala Masters
how to recognize and work with the hindrances of doubt and restlessness
Maui, Hi

1999-08-06 Impermanence: The Door To Compassion And Liberation Of The Heart 41:46
Marcia Rose
given at the Family retreat: the acceptance of impermanence/change opens the door to liberation and the deepest compassion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Family Retreat (5 days)

1999-08-05 No Problem 37:10
Jose Reissig
Rather than looking at problems as items to be solved, let us use them to discover that existence is unproblematic.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-04 Hindrances #1: Sloth And Torpor 53:48
Kamala Masters
how to recognize and work with the hindrances of sloth and torpor
Maui, Hi

1999-08-04 Mindfulness And The Rainbow Of Emotions 51:43
Marcia Rose
given at the Family retreat: the possibility of transformation in the midst of the many hues of our emotional states.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Family Retreat (5 days)

1999-08-03 Wisdom and Compassion 52:25
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-08-03 Family As Family 31:06
Jose Reissig
Contemplating family as family is a fifth foundation of mindfulness for householders.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-08-03 The Jewel Net Of Indra 56:06
Tara Brach
Awakening to the mystery of interdependence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

1999-08-02 Path of Awakening 41:06
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-08-01 Desire 46:24
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1999-08-01 Blessings, Aspirations, Renunciation, Mindfulness 54:26
Steve Armstrong
support for freedom takes many forms
Maui, Hi

1999-07-31 Docility & Truth, Part 3 of 3 12:34
Gavin Harrison
A one-day meditation retreat

1999-07-31 Docility & Truth, Part 2 of 3 1:31:14
Gavin Harrison
A one-day meditation retreat

1999-07-31 Docility & Truth, Part 1 of 3 1:34:44
Gavin Harrison
A one-day meditation retreat

1999-07-28 A Heart as Wide as the World 59:26
Sharon Salzberg

1999-07-27 Courageous Love 48:31
Kamala Masters
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-07-26 View of Metta 59:42
Sharon Salzberg

1999-07-25 Embracing Wholeness 46:18
Sharda Rogell
Striving to be better than we are interferes with embracing our essential wholeness right now,
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-07-22 Living the Practice 55:24
Sharon Salzberg

1999-07-20 The Power Of Prayer 59:05
Tara Brach
Exploring prayer as the bridge between longing and belonging.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-07-20 Joy Beyond Its Objects 57:03
Michele McDonald
Joyful interest in connecting with the truth of how things are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Happiness And Joy

1999-07-19 Concepts and Reality 60:33
Joseph Goldstein

1999-07-17 Mindful Awareness Of The Five Hindrances 59:12
Kamala Masters
The five hindrances: attachment, aversion, restlessness, sloth and torpor, and doubt, are often seen as obstacles to liberation. However, once we are mindful of them, they become vehicles for awakening.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat (9 days)

1999-07-16 Insight And Purification 46:49
Michele McDonald
understanding the relationship between mindfulness and liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-07-15 The Science and Art of Meditation 20:41
Joseph Goldstein

1999-07-12 Dependent Origination 23:16
Arinna Weisman
How is suffering created; a detailed exposition by the Buddha on the moment-to-moment creation of identity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-07-09 Choiceless Awareness - The Quiet Passion Part III 47:04
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-07-07 Choiceless Awareness - The Quiet Passion Part II 48:43
Larry Rosenberg
See above.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-07-06 Facing Our Fears: Living With A Courageous Heart 61:27
Tara Brach
Exploring the nature of fear, and the practices that cultivate courage.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Courageous Living

1999-07-05 Choiceless Awareness - The Quiet Passion Part I 44:13
Larry Rosenberg
The foundation needed to be able to have the capacity to receive each moment without separation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-06-23 Finding Your Passion 47:58
Steven Smith
young adults retreat what meditation is, inspired beginnings, the path, way of life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Young Adult Retreat (4 days)

1999-06-23 Shining the Light of Death on Life, Part 9 1:26:39
Larry Rosenberg

1999-06-22 The Courage To Be Free 39:30
Michele McDonald
please don't delay spiritual ardency
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Young Adult Retreat (4 days)

1999-06-21 Wedding Of Body and Spirit 62:25
Jack Kornfield

1999-06-16 Shining the Light of Death on Life, Part 8 1:29:40
Larry Rosenberg

1999-06-14 "To Love And To Say Goodbye" Supports To Practice 53:46
Michele McDonald
supporting our daily practice with forgiveness, generosity, and patience.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat (10 days)

1999-06-13 Bamboo Mind: 59:06
Steven Smith
the nature of equanimity in balance, mind, emotions, and the vicissitudes of life
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat (10 days)

1999-06-11 Keeping The Island Of Peace In Mind 57:37
Steven Smith
as the ancient Polynesian navigators kept a vision of their island destination in mind, so too the vision of freedom for followers of the 8-Fold Path
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat (10 days)

1999-06-10 Just Along For The Ride 48:39
Michele McDonald
learning to apply mindfulness to all of our experience: recognition, acceptance, interest and non-identification
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat (10 days)

1999-06-09 The Facts Of Life 56:28
Carol Wilson
The unreliable nature of life, and the possibility of finding peace within it.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Foundations Of Practice

1999-06-07 Question and Answer Session 52:59
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-07 Expansion & Contradiction 62:38
Jack Kornfield

1999-06-06 Liberation Through Non-Clinging 62:34
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-05 The Hindrances 61:54
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-05 Opening Talk with Instructions 52:58
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-06-04 The Science and Art of Meditation 57:40
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-03 The Awakened Heart - an Antidote to Fear 61:22
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-03 Appreciating Joy In The Face Of The Joys And Sorrows In This Life 51:40
Michele McDonald
learning to transform our awareness of pleasure in this world into sympathetic joy (mudita)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat (8 days)

1999-06-02 Metta 59:20
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-01 Generosity of the Heart 63:42
Joseph Goldstein
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-01 Opening to Metta 55:35
Sharon Salzberg
Gaia House Retreat with Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg

1999-06-01 Compassion 54:44
Carol Wilson

1999-05-31 Sacred Journey 58:35
Jack Kornfield

1999-05-31 Planting A Metta Garden 51:30
Michele McDonald
patience and acceptance in the cultivation of metta and mindfulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat (8 days)

1999-05-29 What Is Metta 54:12
Carol Wilson
what metta is and the obstacles to experiencing it
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-05-22 Wise Reflection And Practice In Daily Life 58:35
James Baraz
Dharma practice is more than concentrated bare attention. The Buddha spoke often of the importance of reflection in developing wisdom. We can develop wise reflection on retreat and bring that attitude into daily life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1999-05-17 All You Need to Know 61:06
Jack Kornfield

1999-05-17 Suffering, Impermanence And Freedom 54:56
Carol Wilson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1999-05-14 Mitfreude - Wertschätzung 54:15
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

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