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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-08-24 Showing Up as a Joyful Responsibility 43:12
James Baraz
This moment in time is calling us to contribute what we can to bring more consciousness into the world. But rather than acting from anger or despair I believe the key is to come from love and even joy. One of my teachers calls this our "joyful responsibility."
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-08-24 12 instructions and meditation: pleasant unworldly vedanā and mettā 41:12
Jill Shepherd
Exploring pleasant worldly and unworldly vedanā as a support for mettā; guided meditation orienting to the embodied energy of warmth and kindness, and inviting that energy to pervade in all directions
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-24 15 instructions: reviewing the four brahmavihāra heart qualities 52:53
Willa Thaniya Reid
An overview of the brahmavihāra heart qualities and their role in supporting ease and well-being; guided meditation opening to the sense doors with this same ease and well-being
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-24 13 instructions: vitakka and vicara - placing and receiving 22:31
Willa Thaniya Reid
Exploring the mental factors of vitakka and vicara as placing attention on the meditation object and receiving its qualities
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-24 Craving, Aversion, and Delusion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:11
Rebecca Bradshaw
Discusses how to be mindfully with these three protections.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-08-25 Exploring Mindstates with RAIN (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:51
Kristina Bare
Morning instructions and guided sit at summer insight meditation retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-08-25 17 talk: Muditā or appreciative joy 24:06
Jill Shepherd
Exploring different aspects of muditā: as happiness for others' happiness; as appreciation or gratitude; as recognition of our own strengths or good qualities, as in the Buddha's instructions to Mahanama
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-25 Letting Go of Attachments-Brings Happiness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:38
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-08-26 Morning Instructions on Thoughts (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 38:53
Rebecca Bradshaw
Includes short explanation of being with thoughts mindfully and Guided Meditation with experiments.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-08-26 Practicing Mudita with a Fluid Heart (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 33:38
Kristina Bare
Afternoon Brahmavihara instruction at Summer Insight Meditation retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat

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