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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-10-20 Anything Can Happen at Anytime: Holding Loss with a Tender Heart 53:46
James Baraz
Our Dharma community is processing sad news this week that has sent a shock wave through the sangha. One of our respected teachers who led movement at many Spirit Rock retreats and mentored many students in the practice took her life after a long bout with health issues that affected her mental well-being. A truism of the law of impermanence is that "anything can happen at any time." I want to use this event as an opportunity to explore how the practice can help support us when a sudden major loss happens.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2022-10-20 GM - Brahma Vihara is Meeting what Arises 10:17
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-20 Picking the Dhamma up for Freedom 31:05
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-20 Welcome, and Arriving Meditation 18:29
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Cultivating Goodness, Exploring Fabrication

2022-10-20 Q & A 66:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1 OO:04 Does kamma in its wider implication presume the concept of rebirth? Q2 17:09 Doesn’t the need for goal orientedness in life work against practice? Q3 21:34 During meditation can I approach a personal issue that requires attention? Q4 26:17 Is it possible to be fully present with an open heart? Could you explain that please? Q5 29:35 Does slow mean mindful? Isn’t it intention that’s important? Q6 33:58 Could you talk more about annata and self please? Q7 20:14 Q8 Why does standing meditation seem more effective than sitting? Is there a time or situation where standing is recommended over other postures? Q9 43:58 How can I give back living more than I take living in Switzerland? Q10 45:22 In developing samadhi, is it possible to have periods where we have to refocus more on bodily sensations and drop the external? Q11 48:19 How can we reflect on God and Christ in dhamma practice? Q12 51:09 Restlessness is my most frequent hindrance. How do I deal with it? Q13 52:19 I contemplate death daily and often get a heavy heart about being separated from my two children. How can I come to peace with that? Q14 57:38 Could you do a brief summary of your top five wisdoms? Q15 1:03:52 If QiGong is so relaxing and low energy why do I sweat?
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-20 Guidance into meditation 8:59
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-20 Keeping heart with the practice 25:47
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-20 Morning reflections. Four indispensable meditative skills. 16:54
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge October 2022

2022-10-20 Bearing Presence in Relationship to Self 63:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Practice means moving out and returning repeatedly, discovering the end of the world – our kammic predicament - that must be experienced internally, “in this very body”.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-19 Meditation: Letting Life Be 23:14
Tara Brach
This meditation establishes an atmosphere of loving kindness with the “smile”; relaxes and awakens through the body; and guides us into a spacious presence. We then rest in that presence, letting go of any controlling, and simply allow life to be as it is. It’s in “letting be” that we come home to the luminosity and tenderness of natural awareness. We close with a verse from Mary Oliver…
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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