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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-06-24 Instruction for Talking Practice 58:37
Andrea Fella
Instruction for Talking Practice (talk begins after a silent 40 minute meditation)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2024

2024-06-23 Curious and Creative: Mindfulness Meditation Is Investigation 67:49
Mushim Ikeda
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-06-23 Understanding Dukkha (part 2) - Meditation 30:17
Mark Nunberg
The weekly practice groups are designed to be a cornerstone for one's practice by providing ongoing instruction and teachings that will help illuminate the simple but challenging practice of mindfulness. The Buddha taught that mindfulness is the way to go beyond habits of distraction and grasping. To walk this path of wisdom and compassion, we need the support of a community that shares this intention. Each session includes a guided meditation, dharma talk, and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome.
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-06-23 Understanding Dukkha (part 2) - Talk 39:23
Mark Nunberg
The weekly practice groups are designed to be a cornerstone for one's practice by providing ongoing instruction and teachings that will help illuminate the simple but challenging practice of mindfulness. The Buddha taught that mindfulness is the way to go beyond habits of distraction and grasping. To walk this path of wisdom and compassion, we need the support of a community that shares this intention. Each session includes a guided meditation, dharma talk, and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome.
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-06-22 Morning Instructions 55:27
Yahel Avigur
Thei recording also includes Catherine McGee offering walking meditation instructions.
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart

2024-06-20 Q&A 46:12
Ajahn Sucitto
00:16 Q1 I believe you said to not do concentration practices but rather to see if the breath could go deeper or have more calm. Isn't that a form of concentration? And aren't the brahma vihara a form of concentration practice? 18:26 Q2 If attention is a sankara can you suggest how one might let go of it? 29:02 Q3 Regarding the anapanadsati sutta, is it sequential? Must one follow the tetrads in order? 3818 Q4 A person relates some of their meditation experiences and asks if this is a wise reflection.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT) :  A Mindful Resonance

2024-06-20 Guided Meditation for the Last Day (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:30
Trudy Goodman
Guided meditation for the last full day of retreat
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-19 Meditation: Relaxing Open into Full Presence 21:58
Tara Brach
The pathway to presence does not involve efforts or striving. As you will find in this simple, gentle meditation, a vibrant and healing presence is possible as we wake up all our senses and intentionally relax with our changing experience. The gift is a true sense of homecoming, and with that openheartedness and peace.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-06-19 Our Calling Fuels Our Evolution 56:36
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2024-06-19 Metta Meditation 24:10
Ayya Santussika
Lightly guided metta meditation
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

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