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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-05-22 Week 2 - Guided Meditation (1) 21:01
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Exploring Vedana (Online Series)

2022-05-22 05 talk: facing up to impermanence, endings, loss 15:27
Jill Shepherd
Following a reading on the passing of the Buddha, reflecting on the truth of impermanence and how none of us are immune to it; moving into a ritual to acknowledge recent losses, and strengthen inner qualities to be able to navigate change with more ease
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 Further Reflections on Energy - Viriya 19:39
Laura Bridgman
We use practice as a process of discovery, of learning in this moment, with no agenda starting with inner listening, meeting the not yet known.
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-22 04 talk: awakening mutuality 16:09
Jill Shepherd
Exploring what Awakening or Nibbāna means, then exploring some words by Thomas Hubl to explore how sangha or community can develop mindfulness, mutuality and mirroring as a support for insight
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 Body Work 26:23
Laura Bridgman
A combination of massage and tapping techniques to relax the body.
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-22 Opening talk and meditation 66:28
Leela Sarti
Simplicity, slowing down, silence
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Timeless Presence

2022-05-22 03 talk: introduction to the life of the Buddha 7:39
Jill Shepherd
Finding points of commonality in our own lives with the life of the Buddha, then moving into relational practice exploring what motivated us to step out of the "palace of delusion"
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 Walking Suggestions 6:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy is normally inclined to the front of our bodies. Is there a wider approach?
Gaia House The Indriya: Allies for Liberation

2022-05-22 02 meditation: cultivating gratitude 22:23
Jill Shepherd
Orienting the heart-mind towards gratitude as a support for muditā, appreciative joy
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

2022-05-22 01 talk: What is Vesak? 5:56
Jill Shepherd
A brief introduction to what Vesak is, and the structure of this day of practice
Auckland Insight Meditation 2022 Vesak celebration for Auckland Insight

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