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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-04-09 Guided meditation exploring mindfulness and investigation 17:26
Jill Shepherd
Short instructions and guidance for investigating mindfulness of mindfulness itself
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022

2022-04-08 Finding the middle way 23:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Description pending

2022-04-08 The awakening factors of mindfulness and investigation 52:11
Jill Shepherd
Exploring how these two work together to strengthen discernment about what's skillful, and what's unskillful. Includes some ways of working with more entrenched or intense afflictive mental states, bringing wisdom and compassion to them to help them release.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge April 2022

2022-04-08 GM - Finding the middle way 25:49
Ajahn Sucitto

2022-04-08 On the four iddhipādās 1:20:47
Bhante Sujato
From Harris Park. Bhante Sujato on the four iddhipādās: chanda (desire, zeal, enthusiasm), viriya (energy), citta (awareness, clarity, knowing), vimamsa (inquiry). Included in the 37 factors that sum up the teaching and are the backbone of structure of the Samyutta Nikaya. Dhamma chanda: desire to get rid of desire. viriya: keeping going, not giving up. citta: mind; synonymous with samadhi and jhana = citta bhavana. vimamsa: reflecting, looking back, curiosity leading to wisdom.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-04-08 Talk at Bodhgaya 1:16:37
Ajahn Achalo
40:19 Q&A (questions are précised) 40:33 Q1 History and geography teach us that ten thousand years ago people were living in filth, like animals. Yet the scriptures speak of many thousands of eons of lives. How are these [two very different time frames] possible? 43:00 Q2 Could you please give more tips and advice for real beginners in meditation? 50:08 Q3 Regarding the four foundations of mindfulness, is there one which is more important? 53:57 Q4 I have come to see doubt as a most important hindrance in my practice. I even doubt the existence of that thing called enlightenment. How can I get rid of that? 58:46 Q5 Regarding sense restraint, can you say more about practicing with sound here. 1:07:54 Q6 How can householders go deeper into vipassana with the limited time in their lives? 1:12:31 Q7 Could you clarify how we would do the Buddho mantra in our daily tasks

2022-04-08 Dharma and Recovery 1:32:31
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2022-04-08 Instructions & Guided Meditation : Rooted in 'Middleness' 57:01
Kirsten Kratz
As we quieten the noise of aversion and grasping, some stillness and calm can arise in the spacious welcoming of our experience. We can start to feel a freeing of the heart from our often limiting agendas and sense that heart-mind can stay open, connected and engaged, even when we struggle or are not in control.
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

2022-04-07 Clear Comprehension: The Buddha's Teaching on Four Different Elements of Practice 48:53
James Baraz
This talk explores the topic of Clear Comprehension (sampajañña in Pali) a powerful Dharma teaching on four different aspects of practice. In the Satipatthana Sutta the Discourse on the Four Foundation of Mindfulness, with regard to each foundation, the Buddha says the following: "Here, bhikkhus (practitioners), a bhikkhu (practitioner) lives contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful, having overcome, in this world, covetousness and grief..." Clear comprehension means more than just having bare attention. Understanding and applying these four facets of Clear Comprehension can support a real deepening of our Dharma practice.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2022-04-07 Dharma Talk : "From Either-Or" to "Neither-Nor" 49:16
Kirsten Kratz
The teachings on the Middle Way, in their different expression, all point to a dynamic, responsive balance that aims to avoid skewing to any side of a perceived polarity. They do not imply a "being stuck in the middle", nor do they promise that we can eventually find a place to land, settle and discover freedom in taking a side in any duality. The teachings on the Middle Way keep us on our feet, questioning, opening, refining. They reveal and offer the liberating perception of "Neither-Nor".
Gaia House Stillness Moving: The Play of Opposites

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