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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-04-24 Meditation: Awakening through the Inner Body (21:56 min) 21:55
Tara Brach
When we attune to the inner body, we discover a field of energy and aliveness that is the portal to pure presence. This meditation guides our attention to the inner body, opens to the play of sound and invites us to rest in the awake awareness that includes and is the grounds of this living world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-04-24 Effort as intentionality, perseverance, and surrender 46:39
Rebecca Bradshaw
Discusses, helpful and unhelpful ways to make effort in our meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying Kindness & Wisdom: Insight & Lovingkindness Meditation Retreat

2024-04-24 Freeing the Mind that is Held Hostage in Tight Places:The Keys to Liberation 1:33:02
Sylvia Boorstein
Includes guided meditation, dharmettes, & select moments of group discussion
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-04-23 The Four Brahma Viharas 34:31
Ayya Anandabodhi
A guided meditation touching into each of the Brahma Viharas - the Divine Abodes~ metta - kindness karuna - compassion mudita - appreciative joy upekkha - equanimity
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-22 Awareness in Nature - Exploring Mindfulness in Nature Meditation Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:49
Mark Coleman
This talks explores how one can practice with the four foundations of mindfulness outdoors with the support of the natural world in an embodied and effortless way and how nature illuminates Dharma teachings and wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Refuge, Finding Home: A Retreat in Nature

2024-04-21 Week 2 - Using Mettā to Cultivate Samadhi, Exploring Helpful Effort. 1:31:52
Sari Markkanen
Welcome and Introduction to the Session; Settling Meditation, Teachings, Guided Meditation.
Gaia House Skill in Calm and Happiness - A Short Introduction to Samadhi Practice (online series)

2024-04-21 Q&A 32:03
Ajahn Sucitto
Q1 How important is it to maintain continuity of the meditation object? 0857 Q2 I'm confused by the word citta. For a long time I thought it was the physical organ of the heart, but now I understand that it may be mind. Can you help please? 2334 Q3 you talked about adhiṭṭhāna, resolution as being as one way of manifesting accepting and bowing to all the negative and unskillful thoughts that kept rising in the mind. Can you elaborate on this please? 2521 Q4 what is the relationship or differences between viññāṇa (sense consciousness) and sati (awareness). 2724 Q5 Can you comment on scattering ashes of a body after cremation? Is this about attaching to a body?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-04-21 Moving from our Head to our Heart 33:13
Ayya Anandabodhi
The most important journey you will ever make is that journey from your head to your heart. A guided meditation into connection and presence.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-21 Stress and Release - A Pragmatic Interest in the Way Things Are - Meditation 34:58
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-04-21 Morning Instructions, Guided Meditation, Daily Life Pratice Instructions. 1:16:28
Gavin Milne
Relaxing into practice, taking care of the causes of awakening and freedom. To support this - refreshing wise attitude, keeping Yoniso manasikāra simple, and seeing the eight worldly winds. Embracing the first three factors of awakening, as the ones we always have some agency in. Linking them to connecting with the vertical. Relating to the next four factors, more as results of the first three - qualities of our depth. Guided meditation, exploring experience through the senses, and how things build from the raw sense contact. The imminence of all experience through the senses, and becoming curious about the feeling tone of all sense contact. Including feeling the experience of craving and aversion, as the 'suffering that leads to the end of suffering'. Embracing continuity of practice. Including the ways in which we lose our way - and taking ourselves less personally.
Gaia House Awakening in the World (1) - Establishing the Timeless Refuge of Awareness (online series)

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