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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2021-09-19 Guided Body Work & Metta Meditation 41:59
Ajahn Jutindharo
Gaia House Exploring the Brahmaviharas: Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

2021-09-18 Counteracting Internalized Hatred With Benevolence 61:33
Pascal Auclair
How, as LGBTQAI2S+, can Metta help us heal from internalized homophobia? A few words and a guided meditation
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Freedom and Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for Our LGBTQAI+ Community

2021-09-18 Mettā to Phenomena 45:06
Nathan Glyde
Expanding the sense of mettā practice to welcome all appearances of the world that we can sense, and beyond to the most subtle objects we can perceive.
Tovana Insight Meditation Mettā and Emptiness

2021-09-18 Guided Body Work; Guided Metta Meditation 41:59
Ajahn Jutindharo
Gaia House Exploring the Brahmaviharas: Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

2021-09-17 Mettā is Inconceivably Empty 53:20
Nathan Glyde
Exploring how metta can be seen to be revealing emptiness while being thoroughly empty, and how it supports profound understanding, deep well-being, and ever expanding freedom.
Tovana Insight Meditation Mettā and Emptiness

2021-09-16 Anicca and Mettā as a Way of Looking - Morning Instruction 60:40
Nathan Glyde
Seeing inconstancy in all things, and bringing kindness: as it arises, we welcome; as it is here, we allow; as it passes, we release.
Tovana Insight Meditation Mettā and Emptiness

2021-09-16 Mettā to Easeful, and Neutral Relationships: Guided Meditation 43:26
Nathan Glyde
Tovana Insight Meditation Mettā and Emptiness

2021-09-15 A Thing is Not a Thing 49:06
Nathan Glyde
Exploring different lenses of equanimity, insight, and metta to see deeply and release dukkha.
Tovana Insight Meditation Mettā and Emptiness

2021-09-15 Meditation: Sitting Like a Mountain 24:31
Tara Brach
Meditation can empower us as we learn to access our potential for stability, strength and openness. This meditation calls on the image of a mountain as we awaken our body and mind to a full, vibrant presence. Closes with a metta (loving-kindness) prayer.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-09-10 Indigenous Metta with Elvina Charley 35:36
bruni dávila
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Retreat is Ceremony

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