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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2025-02-23 05 meditation: Mindfulness of the body and physical sensations 30:33
Jill Shepherd
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties

2025-02-23 Morning Instructions: Metta Practice + Guided Meditation for Benefactor 59:58
Oren Jay Sofer
This talk introduces formal instructions for metta practice in the traditional form of phrases and categories. After sharing about the spirit and principles behind the practice, we engage in a guided meditation first receiving metta from a benefactor, then offering metta to a benefactor, and finally offering metta to oneself.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat – 25MOS

2025-02-23 Spiritual Solidarity 36:41
Amita Schmidt
This talk explores ways to increase your Spiritual Solidarity, both inner and outer, during difficult times. Included are ways to regulate your nervous system, and also connect with your deeper purpose.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio

2025-02-23 Connect and Soothe Your Parts during Difficult Times 26:48
Amita Schmidt
This is a meditation will help you connect, regulate, repair, and soothe parts of yourself during difficult times. It includes principles from Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Metta (lovingkindness).
Clintonville Sangha Ohio

2025-02-23 The Audacity of Joy 2:40
Amita Schmidt
A response to a question about feeling joy during difficult times. The student was concerned that feeling joy might decrease connections with others who are suffering. They also felt some guilt about feeling joy when others were in pain.
Clintonville Sangha Ohio

2025-02-22 04 talk: Taking the Refuges and Precepts 37:13
Jill Shepherd
Introducing the five indriya, focusing on the first one, confidence or trust, and how taking refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and committing to the five precepts helps strengthen inner confidence
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties

2025-02-22 The Transformative Power of Metta 52:44
Oren Jay Sofer
This talk explores core questions of lovingkindness practice: What is "metta"? What is its relevance in our lives and our world? How does it function to transform our hearts and world? And how do we strengthen metta?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat – 25MOS

2025-02-22 Mettā’s Amazing Powers 1:18:50
Ariya B. Baumann
Three true stories illustrating the unexpected, amazing, or surprising results of mettā practice
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 11th Annual Metta Retreat 2025 - Part 2

2025-02-22 Attention sage et moins sage 66:29
Pascal Auclair
Terre d'Éveil Vipassana Une nouvelle vision

2025-02-22 03 meditation: Arriving more fully here 36:29
Jill Shepherd
Settling in to the body sitting, breathing, balancing the overall energy through the rhythm of breathing in and out Closing with short instructions for maintaining continuity of mindfulness
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Nine-day retreat: The heart’s release - Cultivating the spiritual faculties

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