Dharma Talks
Dependent Origination: Identifying the Place of Power
Winnie Nazarko
This talks describes the Buddha's realization that all things arise and pass away because of causes and conditions. He saw specifically how suffering/dukkha came to be. Once he understood the causes of the arising of suffering, he was able to "reverse engineer" the process, and see how suffering could be brought to an end. He specifically pointed to the vedana (feeling tone) of experience as a specific arising to relate to wisely. On a larger scale, his teachings on the 8 Fold Path to end the clinging which causes dukkha to arise.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
Three-Month Retreat - Part 1
Dukkha and the End of Dukkha: 10 Ways of Transforming Reactivity
Donald Rothberg
In the first part of the talk, we explore the Buddha's core teaching, "I teach dukkha and the end of dukkha." This teaching can be confusing as the Buddha gave at least four different meanings of "dukkha." We examine each of the four and find that only the last sense of dukkha as reactivity, developed in the teachings of the Two Arrows and Dependent Origination, makes sense of "the end of dukkha." We then look at ten ways of practicing with and transforming reactivity (see the attached file), discussing briefly each of the ten. The talk is followed by sharing, questions, and discussion.
Insight Meditation Tucson
Attached Files:
Ten Ways of Practicing with Reactivity
by Donald Rothberg
(Word File)
Guided Meditation Exploring Reactivity
Donald Rothberg
After guidance on the basics of our practice--developing stability and concentration, and cultivating mindfulness--and a period of silent practice, there is additional guidance, related to the later dharma talk, on noticing any experiences of reactivity and on exploring moderate or greater experiences of pleasant or unpleasant.
Insight Meditation Tucson