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Dharma Talks
2022-01-16 08 talk: Right Effort p2 - Seven Factors of Awakening 42:13
Jill Shepherd
Continuing to explore Right Effort as the capacity to release the hindrances and help the Seven Factors of Awakening to arise
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace

2022-01-16 Inspiring People: The Dharma of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & bell hooks 1:33:30
Eugene Cash
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2022-01-16 07 instructions: mindfulness of the body in terms of the four elemental qualities 22:00
Jill Shepherd
An introduction to experiencing the body in terms of the elemental qualities of earth, water, fire and air
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace

2022-01-16 Q&A 54:26
Ajahn Sucitto
00:53 Please explain the idea of the pāramī; 04:59 Letting go of thinking/expectation; 07:44 Using the sound of silence in practice; 15:58 How Qigong connects to practice; 24:47 Tension in tongue and jaw; 25:03 Remaining “upright and joyful”; 29:23 Family does not agree with my practice; 34:13 Dealing with pain; 38:10 Experience of a deep horrific fear; 43:45 Out of body experiences while meditating; 45:19 Relationship between release of somatic knots and releasing the citta; 48:55 Regrets and resentment; 50:13 Can you speak about the āsava? 53:37 Difference between peace, serenity and tranquility? Pīti and sukha?

2022-01-16 Questions & Responses 28:53
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace

2022-01-16 Understanding the Experience of Freedom, Week 1 – Talk 39:51
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-01-16 06 meditation: spaciousness and mettā 21:52
Jill Shepherd
Orienting to the energy of mettā / kindness as a support for more openness and ease in the body, heart and mind
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace

2022-01-16 Instructions and Guided Meditation - Opening to Peacefulness 53:54
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Expanding Joy on the Path of Peace

2022-01-16 05 instructions: cultivating spaciousness and metta 13:53
Jill Shepherd
Continuing with the exploration of clinging and release, noticing what gets in the way and what supports more openness and ease, with an invitation to orient to mettā
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Deepening into stillness, opening to peace

2022-01-16 Return to a True Shape 52:31
Ajahn Sucitto
The natural shape of the heart when it’s not dragged out by the sense world has the quality of stable well-being to it. This is the highest happiness. Do what you can do from good intention, restraint and kindness. Keep returning to that because that’s your home base where your heart is naturally able to express itself, manifest its values and qualities into your life.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Well-being Is the Shape of the Heart

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