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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-10-06 Understanding the Buddha's Path of Awakening, Part 2 - Meditation 30:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-10-06 Understanding the Buddha's Path of Awakening, Part 2 - Talk 43:36
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-10-06 Sunday International Sangha: Living in Harmony with the Way of Things - October 6, 2024 1:20:19
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Living in Harmony with the Way of Things

2024-10-06 The Sallata Sutta: the Buddha’s Teaching of the Second Arrow 1:14:47
Gullu Singh
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-10-05 Q&A 21:13
Ajahn Sucitto
The original questions were live. They have been précised and read by a third person. Q1 A woman asks: I have a sister who's in a care home and lives far away. She's younger than I and I feel a degree of responsibility and want to help her. It's been discovered there's been some theft from her bank account which she has control over. The police and care home staff are involved. So the teaching on activation seems very appropriate for me. I'm noticing that my activation to get involved seems to take me over is getting really difficult to handle. What can you repeat or recommend? 03:02 Q2 I find as I practice more and more, I am less willing to deal with worldly things like money, focusing on the future. There's also a sense of contentment with the way things are. How can I go about my practice as this unfolds? 05:51 Q3 My question is similar to the previous one, finding opportunities to reflect internally rather than be wrapped up in work and everything. These opportunities exist and have improved but they seem to be fewer than I would like. How can I incorporate this with having to live my everyday life? I feel I can't leave everything and just go like the Buddha did and I don't seem satisfied with my current situation. Anything else you can offer? 10:19 Q4 Regarding the kandhas, did the Buddha or could you recommend any dedicated formal practice in this area? 15:39 Q5 I've recently extricated myself from a 5-year relationship which was very difficult for me. It seems like when we extricate ourselves from an arrangement like this it seems like it's become just a dream. All the entanglement and energy put into it and then it just ... ends. I'm asking myself 'Was there ever any love, any care?' And it seems very shocking and it seems like the whole of life is like that. Part of me wants to reach out and say: 'Did you care?' But it's over and that seems pointless. Could you say something about that please?
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-10-05 Citta and the aggregates 1:26:51
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-10-05 Working with Emotions and Other Mind States 22:02
Victor von der Heyde
Sometimes the potency of emotions make it hard to stay focused with a simple instruction of paying attention to emotional states. Other times we might only have a general idea of the mix of the emotional strands that is happening at a given time. This talks gives ways of working with moods and emotions, what one can look out for, what one’s relationship is to particular mind states, what one can do to not be overwhelmed.
Australian Insight Meditation Network An Introduction to Imaginal Practice / Soul-making Dharma

2024-10-05 GM 20:11
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2024-10-05 Emotional patterns of Anger, Low Mood, Fear and Love as Related to Mindfulness of Citta 45:36
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness: Feeling Tone and Mind

2024-10-05 Can We ‘Escape’ Suffering? 47:47
Jean Esther
This talk touches into the suffering that results from a lack of understanding of the natural laws of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and the absence of a solid self and the peace of resting in ‘not knowing’.
True North Insight The Resilience of Love and Wisdom in Meeting Our Lives

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