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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-11-19 Joyful meditation on spiritual friendship, Dhamma talk 69:13
Bhante Sujato
Joyful meditation on spiritual friendship guided by Bhante Akāliko (during which internet connection was temporarily lost). Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato: how to kiss "Saṃsāra" goodbye?
Lokanta Vihara

2021-11-19 Teachings 9:17
Gregory Kramer
Gaia House Three Doorways to the Sensible and the Sacred

2021-11-19 Teachings; Guided Contemplative Meditation; Introduction to Practicing Insight Dialogue with the 'Relax' Guideline; Further Teachings. 33:37
Gregory Kramer
Gaia House Three Doorways to the Sensible and the Sacred

2021-11-19 Opening Session - Teachings; Guided Contemplative Meditation; Introduction to using the Guideline of 'Pause' within Insight Dialogue Practice. 43:23
Gregory Kramer
Gaia House Three Doorways to the Sensible and the Sacred

2021-11-18 The 7 Factors of Awakening, Part 3: The Calming Factors--Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity 44:35
Tina Rasmussen
This free dharma talk is the third in a series on the "7 Factors of Awakening," which are factors that what we nurture and develop on the path of awakening, as well as being descriptors of the awakened state. Tina gives a series of three talks on the "7 Factors," providing practical descriptions of how to cultivate and recognize these factors in our practice, and in daily life.
Insight Meditation Tucson

2021-11-18 Wise View p2 16:48
Jill Shepherd
A short talk looking at how views are formed, starting with contact at the sense doors, moving into perceptions and mental formations. Includes a brief guided meditation exploring seeing.
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-11-18 'To Not Fear Fear' 48:38
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House November Solitary Retreat

2021-11-18 Guided Brahma Vihara Meditation 27:43
Caroline Jones
Using mindfulness as a basis for the cultivation of meta (loving kindness0, karuna (compassion), and mudita (appreciation)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge November 2021

2021-11-17 Compassion and Compassionate action 53:49
Dawn Scott
This talk explores meditative compassion and its relationship to compassionate action.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Second 3-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2021-11-17 Facing the Truths That Keep Us from Love 59:54
Tara Brach
A Conversation between Tara and Rev Angel Kyodo Williams – Our happiness and capacity to love fully arise as we face and embrace all domains of our existence. In this conversation we look at the often unexamined societal conditioning that, when unseen, perpetuates caste systems that harm ourselves and all involved. Our inquiry: For the sake of freedom, how do we deepen our attention to see the forces that cut us off from wholeness, from belonging, from living from an awake, compassionate heart?
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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