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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2024-02-07 Meditation: Relaxed and Alert 19:37
Tara Brach
This meditation begins with a period of relaxing and collecting our attention with intentional long, deep breathing. We then deepen embodied presence, and widen to the awareness that includes sounds, sensations, feelings, breath, and all experience. When the mind drifts from this open, awake awareness, we gently return, re-relaxing and resting in an easeful, alert presence. Recorded at Tara’s Wednesday night class, the meditation ends with a sense of melting into community – relaxed and alert.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-02-07 Morning reflection: meditation as an act of love 6:22
Jeanne Corrigal
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge February 2024

2024-02-06 Introduction to Mettā Meditation 1:30:01
Ariya B. Baumann
Basic instructions for the practice of mettā meditation
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 10th Annual Metta Retreat 2024 - Part 2

2024-02-06 Morning Instructions and Guided Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:18
Jaya Rudgard
Settling with an anchor: breath, body and sounds.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month

2024-02-04 The Liberative Qualities of Mindfulness - Meditation 32:51
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-02-04 Mindfulness of the Breath and Mindfulness of Sounds 54:12
Devon Hase
Introduction to satipatthana with a guided meditation on sounds and breathing
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love

2024-01-31 Expansion of Consciousness or A Path into Healing & Wholeness 52:29
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2024-01-31 Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be 16:47
Tara Brach
This guided meditation invites us to imagine a clenched fist relaxing open, and explores this in releasing contractions in the body as well as the grip of thoughts. When we deeply let go and let be, our energy flows freely. We reconnect with our natural aliveness, love and awareness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-01-31 Letting Go of Controlling: The Path of Freedom – Part 1 56:09
Tara Brach
While it’s natural to try to control our life experience, our chronic controlling cuts us off from presence and obscures the loving awareness that is our essence. This series of talks explores how we can let go in four key domains of controlling: clinging to thoughts, resisting feelings, holding tight to beliefs and armoring our heart. We look at how egoic controlling manifests individually and as a society; the process of awakening from exclusive identification with a separate ego/self; what it means to die into a larger reality and the similarities of psychedelics and meditation in the process of letting go. The gift of releasing the grip of controlling is true freedom; inhabiting the intrinsic beauty of our beings, and having our lives be an expression of creativity, wisdom and love.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-01-31 Guided Meditation: Mindfulness, Metta, Radiating Metta, and Metta-Infused Mindfulness 39:03
Donald Rothberg
We begin with about 10 minutes of settling with our mindfulness (or another) practice. This is followed by about 5 minutes of practicing metta where it flows as easily as possible, and then by a guided practice in radiating metta, extended to radiating in a boundless way. We then return to a brief way of practicing radiating metta without visualization, followed by returning to mindfulness, infused with metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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