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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-08-01 Paramis Wisdom Week 3 - Talk 36:27
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2021-08-01 Easing into Wholeness 45:02
Ajahn Sucitto
We use the forms of everyday life to notice what the mind makes out of them, the accumulations that occur. The theme is stay with the whole, stay connected, let the details go. What’s behind the inclination to move out? The stable reassuring quality of attention over the whole form – without ill-will, closing down, or dismissal – results in the freedom and happiness we seek.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-31 Meditation Basics (ATM Cash) 23:59
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-07-31 Meditation with Body Contemplation 32:56
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-07-31 Doing, Not Doing, Undoing 1:17:50
Nathan Glyde
Exploring the skilful application of effort and energy in relationship to engagement of insight and samadhi, and the receptive modes of letting go. Is 'not doing' as powerful as insight and samadhi to undo dukkha?
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Jul 2021

2021-07-31 Q&A - How is body contemplation important for meditation? 8:52
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-07-31 Skilful Signs Skilful Absorption 39:07
Ajahn Sucitto
By its nature, mind is absorptive. In skilful cultivation we steer that towards internal qualities of contentment, unity, release. This is how we are gladdened – the nervous system steadies and cools, body gets happy, mind composes itself, then you begin to see things clearly – what’s causing the distortions, stress and struggle, and you stop doing it, stop throwing your heart away to your obsessions. Settle into the goodness, drink it in. Wisdom arises from here.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-30 Calm meditation and body scan, Dhamma talk 1:24:25
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Calm meditation / body scan led by Bhante Akāliko; Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on how the Buddha's concept of impermanence relates to concepts in science, e.g. the speed of light. Upcoming bhikkhuni ordination in Australia!
Lokanta Vihara

2021-07-30 A Breath of Kindness to the Kammic Field 41:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Kamma is a feedback loop of actions and results, out of which comes the experience of ‘me’. We use meditation to step out of the scenarios, recognize the process and change the patterns. Once you see it, you get the meaning – ‘a suffering being’– and the response is sympathy. Use the energy of breathing to calm and clear afflictive states, replacing them with healing.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-29 talk: Wise Mindfulness or sati 30:59
Jill Shepherd
Short talk on what makes mindfulness Right or Wise, then a group guided meditation/contemplation exploring different aspects of sati, based on questions from Gregory Kramer's book A Whole-Life Path
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

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