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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-07-10 How to Use the Body 54:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Instructions for establishing an upright, open posture where you can relax and let breathing happen. The body recognizes that. When the body is relaxed and peaceful, mind sees things clearly. Introduction to chanting as a means for expressing our faith and aspirations. This is how to set up a meditation temple in your own body.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-09 Dharma Talk - Embracing Our Aliveness 54:24
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Kindness

2021-07-09 Mettā meditation, "fireside chat" 1:26:03
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Mettā meditation led by Bhante Sujato, "fireside chat" in celebration of Bhante Akāliko's 6th anniversary of going forth! Book link:
Lokanta Vihara

2021-07-09 Reflections on Universal Well-Being in Pali (Chant Along) 1:43
Ayya Santussika, Ayya Cittananda
Pali name: Brahmavihara-Pharanam
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-07-09 Dharma and Recovery 43:08
Walt Opie
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2021-07-09 Dhp 90 The Arahant 19:46
Bhante Bodhidhamma
There are many ways the practice needed to become fully liberated, an Arahat. Here it by way of the Four Bonds (gantha).
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Dhammapada

2021-07-09 Metta/Lovingkindness and Purification of negative mental factors 53:48
Bonnie Duran
Metta/Lovingkindness practice strengthens wholesome mental factors and allows us to see more clearly our negative mental factors. Seeing more clearly an important source of our suffering, hate/aversion, we are able to work more directly for our own and others' happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-09 Guided Meditation 43:34
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House The Heart of Wisdom and Kindness

2021-07-09 Compassion Practice: Introduction & Guided Meditation 51:56
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-08 Supports for Steadying the mind: The Jhana Factors 56:20
Sally Armstrong
There are five factors that are supported for deepening concentration, known as the jhana factors. These factors are developed in any kind of intensive meditation practice but are particularly supportive of the development of concentration. They also serve to counterbalance the hindrances. When the hindrances are not active, the mind and heart can be steady and open.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

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