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Dharma Talks
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2020-06-12 Day 5 Meditation Instructions - Mettā to All Appearances 49:02
Nathan Glyde
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Coming to Life - Waking up and getting intimate with existence

2020-06-09 Intro to Mettā as Welcoming, Allowing, Opening to More 38:38
Nathan Glyde
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Coming to Life - Waking up and getting intimate with existence

2020-06-08 Immeasurable Metta for Nourishing the Heart (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:40
Guided meditation on radiating metta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The First Free Women - Original Poetry Inspired By the Early Buddhist Nuns

2020-05-29 Mettā to the Sensate World 28:20
Zohar Lavie
Sending a welcoming quality of attention (metta) to whatever appears at the sense doors.
Gaia House Waking the heart, Expanding the world

2020-05-28 Metta for a Sangha of All Beings 42:04
Nathan Glyde
Opening our sense of community to expand to include more and more of the world.
Gaia House Waking the heart, Expanding the world

2020-05-28 Day 3 - Meditation Instructions - Open Palm Attention 51:56
Nathan Glyde
Expanding the world through skilful wholesome modes of relating. When there is an object in attention there is always some degree of push or pull happening. The contraction is what holds attention there. It is not something we’re doing wrong, it is the nature of experience. What happens when we invite an opening in the contraction, either in the body sense, or the sense of awareness, or by bringing in a bit more metta in the atmosphere of attending?
Gaia House Waking the heart, Expanding the world

2020-05-27 Metta Chanting and Sit 39:48
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Evening metta chanting instructions for online self-retreat, during COVID-19 pandemic, followed by chanting and sit
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Liberation of Heart and Mind: Insight Meditation and Lovingkindness Retreat

2020-05-27 Metta Undefined 42:58
Nathan Glyde
Letting metta be expansive, unconstrained, vaster than vast, beyond boundaries, so that it can fabricate more and more well-being. Metta is an expression and experience of non-dukkha, it is a skilful delightful way of relating that brings wellbeing, it is a compass for practice, and it is so much more too.
Gaia House Waking the heart, Expanding the world

2020-05-26 Metta to Self or Other (with chanting) 43:44
Nathan Glyde
Starts with a 'Zoom video call' based metta practice, then some Pali metta chanting (around 13 mins in), then a guided metta practice towards oneself or another. Pali: Sabbe sattā sukhitā hontu. Sabbe sattā averā hontu. Sabbe sattā abyāpajjhā hontu. Sabbe sattā anighā hontu. Sabbe sattā sukhi attānaa pariharantu.
Gaia House Waking the heart, Expanding the world

2020-05-25 Metta 34:06
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community

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