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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2020-05-23 Bringing Metta to Life 49:44
Yuka Nakamura
How can we practise Metta - benevolence - in the midst of our life? Metta can express itself in many ways, as generosity, ethics and kind speech, but also in the way we perceive people, appreciating what is good, and the world, seeing the non-separation and interconnectedness and living from this understanding.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Ascenscion Online Retreat

2020-05-17 Dimanche 17 mai 2020 1:31:05
Sayadaw U Jagara
Jagara s’est inspiré des paroles de la chanson Tu trouveras la paix, par Renée Claude, pour aborder le thème de l’amour bienveillant (metta). Il a aussi discuté de l’importance de la qualité de l’esprit dans toutes les actions et situations.
L’Association de méditation Parami :  Sessions en ligne de méditation et de discussion - Printemps 2020

2020-05-06 Mettā To Oneself and All That Occurs To Oneself 43:42
Nathan Glyde
Spreading mettā through body and mind, and all that appears in body, and to mind, then opening that out to all beings everywhere...
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

2020-05-05 Unification of Spread Awareness and Metta 45:08
Nathan Glyde
Bringing the heart and mind into the body, holding the body in heart and mind. Then keeping the awareness spread including beings we feel grateful for, and those who are struggling right now. Wishing them and all beings well.
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

2020-05-03 Bodycare Practice - Metta towards the Body. 44:55
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2020-05-03 30 Some Pointers for Metta 15:40
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Retreat Centre Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-02 Metta, Forgiveness and Determination Practice 50:55
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2020-04-25 Mettā to Phenomena 44:53
Zohar Lavie
In Hebrew
SanghaSeva Opening, Steadying, Allowing

2020-04-15 Hebrew - Mettā and Emptiness in the World 28:05
Zohar Lavie
The last Hebrew talk of this retreat, talking about how to sustain our practice of metta and skilful ways of relating, and the possibilities of fostering more insights as we approach re-engagment with the world.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-14 All Phenomena are Empty. Fill them with Metta. 38:44
Nathan Glyde
All phenomena are fabricated by perception: all things are empty of inherently existing separate from the atmosphere of attention. We explore what happens to phenomena and the sense of self when perception is soaked in kindness and care. Supported by the suttas: Two Sorts of Thinking (MN19), and the Karaniya Metta Sutta (SN1.8).
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

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