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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2020-04-14 Metta to All Phenomena 42:05
Nathan Glyde
Spreading the atmosphere of metta to 'all of the all'.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-13 Hebrew - Metta To Benefactor, Difficult Relationship, And All Beings 42:26
Zohar Lavie
Guided Metta Meditation in Hebrew
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-12 Mettā to Self, Friend, those Suffering, and Whole World 42:14
Nathan Glyde
Guided Metta Meditation including a subtle compassionate quality as we gently include those in pain or difficulty in the world.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-11 Hebrew - What is Metta? 46:40
Zohar Lavie
Talk in Hebrew, about how experience is fabricated. Particularly by the way of relating of 'firing the second arrow' of 'dukkha' towards what is difficult, and how we can find a more appropriate and liberating response via a 'metta' way of relating.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-11 Hebrew - Metta To Self, Easy And World 37:53
Zohar Lavie
Guided Metta meditation in Hebrew
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-11 Day 1 Instructions - Welcoming Body in a Spacious Awareness 54:31
Nathan Glyde
Supporting steadiness, openness, and dedication in our practice. Via a spread and open awareness that is intentionally receiving–inviting–the present body sensations into the spacious awareness. Our dedication is to stay steady with it, and to re-open and re-invite, when our attention, naturally, moves away. All of this is done with a gentle atmosphere of metta–kindness.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-10 Opening Talk - Metta and Emptiness 39:19
Nathan Glyde
Introducing the main concept of this retreat: sankhara-fabrication. In particular the insight that experience is 'made up' from an object in attention and an atmosphere of attention. The latter we could call the way of relating, or way of looking (as Rob Burbea teaches it). We can pay attention to different objects, and that affects expereince. We can also develop ('bhavana' = cultivate) other atmospheres or modes of attending.
SanghaSeva Metta and Emptiness - Online

2020-04-09 Guided metta meditation 49:02
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Forest Refuge April Retreat Online

2020-04-02 Evening Lockdown Meditation 59:03
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Starts with Taking Refuges and Precepts and a contemplation. Ends with practices of Compassion, Joy and Goodwill (Metta)
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2020-03-16 Well-being in the time of Coronavirus - COVID-19 35:24
Nathan Glyde
A guided meditation offering mettā (well-wishing) towards those working the frontlines of health care and social care, those whose bodies are affected by the virus or disease themselves, and those taking precautions (like being in isolation). Opening our hearts and minds to all those affected, and beyond to all beings everywhere, can help reduce our stress and allow us to be more available to support. Includes a brief introduction: skip first 3 mins to get to the beginning of guided meditation. May all beings be cared for and well in heart-mind and body.
SanghaSeva A Response to Coronavirus

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