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Dharma Talks
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2017-06-12 The Five Hindrances 59:43
Ajahn Metta
Chanting 6:30 Ajahn Metta begins with sharing how she has found her misery in the midst of the beautiful surroundings at Beatenberg. She addresses the five hindrances, mental conditions that not only confront us on retreat but in our day to day lives.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Dana Talks - PRIVATE

2017-05-05 The Five Hindrances ~ a Template for Waking Up 29:15
Ayya Santacitta
SBMG Retreat at Applegate, CA
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2017-03-19 Metta and the obstacles to cultivating kindness 50:18
Jill Shepherd
An overview of the five hindrances, and some tools for working with difficult emotions and mind-states that get in the way of cultivating metta
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Strengthening the Heart, Cultivating Kindness: Metta Retreat

2017-02-21 10 guided meditation: five hindrances 26:34
Jill Shepherd
Guided meditation, mostly silent with occasional questions to notice the presence or absence of the five hindrances
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Seven-day insight meditation retreat

2017-02-21 09 instructions: five hindrances 19:34
Jill Shepherd
A brief overview of the five hindrances, mental states that obscure clear seeing
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Seven-day insight meditation retreat

2017-01-06 10 Talk: The Five Hindrances part 2 43:03
Jill Shepherd
The Five Hindrances and some techniques for working with difficult emotions
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2017-01-05 06 Talk: Three Universal Characteristics and the Five Hindrances 52:00
Jill Shepherd
The purpose of insight as seeing clearly into the three universal characteristics of anicca - impermanence, dukkha - unsatisfactoriness, and anatta - not-self, and how the five hindrances of sensual desire, ill will or aversion, sloth and torpor, restlessness and remorse, and sceptical doubt get in the way of clear seeing
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2016-12-29 No Mud No Lotus 46:10
Ayya Santacitta
Working with the Five Hindrances
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center)

2016-10-30 Investigating The Five Hindrances Week 2 58:47
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2016-10-16 Investigating The Five Hindrances Week 1 55:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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