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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1996-07-27 Faith and Fear 59:19
Christina Feldman
Deepening in meditation leads us into territory unfamiliar to us. Fear is the passage way between what is known and what is unknown. Faith teaches us to stay open and present, offering an inner refuge and balance.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 9 Day Vipassana Retreat

1996-07-08 Loving Kindness Meditation: Compassion, Seed of Enlightenment, Sun in the Heart, Fountain of Love 66:26
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-07-08 Loving-Kindness Meditation: Compassion, Seed of Enlightenment, Sun in the heart, Fountain of love 64:49
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-07-05 Guided Sweeping Meditation part by part 56:21
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center
In collection: Contemplations and Guided Meditations

1996-07-05 Sweeping technique, Guided meditation; Explanation of the benefits of the method 1:32:11
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-06-29 Five Loving Kindness Meditations: Most Beloved, Lotus Flower, Flower Garden, Breath in Peace, Gratitude 1:10:36
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-06-29 5 Loving-Kindness Meditations: Most beloved, Lotus flower, Flower garden, Breathe in peace, Gratitude 68:42
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-06-28 Benefits of Meditation; Meditation Instructions 69:31
Ayya Khema
Green Gulch Farm Zen Center :  The Seven Factors of Enlightenment

1996-06-11 Relating To Trauma: Personal Healing And Spiritual Transformation 48:32
Tara Brach
Meditation practice can be profoundly healing in working with deep personal wounds. The art of healing with meditation is possible when we understand the effects of different styles of meditation, recognize what aspects of meditation may be contraindicated and ground the healing process in a nurturing relational context.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1996-04-30 Meditation-It's Not What You Think 51:21
Tara Brach
our sense of being separate and inadequate is created and maintained through our stories about life. Learning how to recognize these stories with mindfulness and compassion reconnects us with our natural, awakened being.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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