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Dharma Talks
2020-12-10 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 10 2020 20:53
Chas DiCapua
Discovering the Dharma in Nature
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-10 Boundariless Citta 26:41
Ajahn Sucitto
The boundless nature of citta can make us feel too vulnerable, so we put up boundaries that end up constricting us. Cultivation of the brahmaviharā, the measureless states, is a removal of those boundaries. An abiding place results that can act as a foundation for complete liberation.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-09 Guided Meditation – Brahmaviharā 30:11
Ajahn Sucitto
If we keep picking up and resonating the brahmaviharā heart tones, citta will naturally open and move in that direction. These are natural expressions of citta – it feels rewarded with these expressions and is energized.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-09 Q&A 2 47:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions about involuntary movements in practice; please you comment on the third tetrad of ānāpānasati; please review the potential value of jhāna experiences; say more about how ignorance sucks energy from citta; deep fears and primal memories.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-09 Practicing with Views 3 1:11:29
Donald Rothberg
We review some of what we've covered in previous sessions, including the Buddha's teachings on views, the core of the problem being reactivity (grasping and pushing away) in relationship to views--not views themselves, and three ways of practicing with views. We then introduce one of the three forms of deeper inquiry into views mentioned, the approach of Nagjarjuna (c. 150-250 C.E.), the "second Buddha." Nagarjuna demonstrated a method of showing how any reactively-held views, including Buddhist views, leads to contradictions and absurdity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
Attached Files:
  • Nagarjuna Slides Draft 3 by Donald Rothberg (PDF)

2020-12-09 Q&A 1 16:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Misguided jhāna; how to practice with the three characteristics (anicca, dukkha, anatta); is ānāpānasati enough for liberation?
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-09 The Absorption Process 50:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation is a whole life process. Proper cultivation of citta – diligence, vigilance, careful attention in our attitudes and actions – can lead to degrees of liberation. Topics of samadhi, jhāna, wisdom are addressed.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-09 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 9 2020 21:26
Chas DiCapua
Discovering the Dharma in Nature
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-09 Guided Meditation – Handling the Citta towards Jhāna 38:51
Ajahn Sucitto
Lingering is part of the process of absorbing. It takes time to learn. Establish reference points to return to, lingering with no particular agenda. Keep widening and softening attention over the whole body.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-12-08 Q&A 52:23
Ajahn Sucitto
Please expand on terms kusala and akusala; right effort when working with body tension; is thought consciousness the same as anusaya (latent tendencies); please describe Thai Forest’s particular way of teaching dhamma; does stepping back out of the conditioned into the unconditioned refer to the unrestricted unbounded citta; how is yoniso manasikara different from mindfulness; comments on Venerable Paññavaddho’s view on citta.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

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